'Lab Chord' - New Original Music - An Abandoned Idea from Last Week - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough

in music •  4 years ago 

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This was a random creation from last week

Track 2, Plucky Melody
which I had worked on for like, 20 or 25 minutes at the most one night while watching YouTube videos, so it wasn't a particularly intentional or in depth thing. I was also working on the original versions of the two songs I've shared over the last few days, so this kind of got lost in the shuffle, but now that I'm listening to it again, I like it and think there's some potential for sure. The tune is built around two parts, at least as of now, the A (in Yellow in Track 1) and B (Blue in Track 1) sections. In the A part, we begin on an Amin, and the C and E stay along the top, and the bass part descends from A, to F#, to Eb and finally D. So we're in Amin but get some cool dissonances. The B part starts on an Fmaj7, Dmin9, then some weirdness with an F#5, to Ebmin9, keeping it weird, before repeating. Track 2 provides that little arpeggiated melody line over the 2nd A part each time around, which is pictured to the right of this paragraph.

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Track 1's Chords, A (Yellow) and B (Blue) Sections

Liste to Lab Chord here...

Track 3 provides its own little line over the B sections, doing

Track 7, 'Hybrid Keys' Bass
a similar thing to Track 2, with the ascending 3 note line at the start. Track 4 adds the hissy, snare-ish sounds on the downbeats, though I don't like this so that'll go if I keep working on it. Track 5 adds the super warbly line at the end of each 2nd A part, leading into the following B part. Track 6 is a weird, random sound... I'm not sure why I added it, but maybe it'll stay as some percussive element, have to keep hearing it, see if I like it. Track 7 is one of the 'Hybrid Keys' from that pack I managed to get for free from a Native Instruments promotion, and provides the bass line, the A part of which is pictured to the left here. Finally we have Track 8, which plays the weird lines over the 1st A section after the first B part. I didn't use it again, and I like it, but I'm not sure if I like it here specifically, lol. I'll keep listening to this, see if I can't find a way to make more of a coherent song around it all.

Hope you enjoy this forgotten tune!

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