're-pl-ic-at-or' - New Original Music - 25 Minute Timed Songwriting Challenge - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough

in music •  5 years ago 

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I decided last night to take a break

from the song I was working on for the last few posts, and try a timed songwriting challenge, and this is the result! I gave myself 25 minutes, and tried to sort of just casually put this together, instead of giving in to the mad-rush that these timed challenges sometimes turn into. Overall, I like the idea, and I think I could expand this into a more complete song. The synth sounds are mostly from Strobe2 library, aside from the bass, which is an Abletunes package. I also added two tempo changes, where the song slows down two sections in a row. This was a last minute addition, just to try and add some interest, but I'm not sure how I feel about it... maybe one would be cool, but it gets a bit tooooo slooooowwww the second time around.

Listen to re-pl-ic-at-or here.

The basic progression is straightforward,

we're in Gminor, and start on a G for 2 measures, Eb for 1, and then C for 1, before repeating. Track 1 builds that progression, using an audio clip of a synth, which I reversed to create a sort of swell effect. Tracks 2 and 3 are the drums, kicks and snares respectively. Track 4 provides the hihats. Track 5 adds another synth playing our chord tones, while Track 6 plays a little melody line. Track 7 provides an audio clip for a heavy impact, and Track 8 another little hihat rhythm, to create a back and forth against Track 4. Finally, we have the synth bass in Track 9, which is pictured in the second screenshot below.

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Track 6, Melody Line.
Listen to re-pl-ic-at-or here.

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Track 9, Synth Bass.

Hope you like the results of this timed challenge! Thanks for listening!

Check out my new E.P. numerical here.

Click here to listen to all of my Steem Monsters inspired songs!

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cool thanks! i'll follow your community.