Song-writing Basics - Easily begin writing chord progressions as a musician.

in music •  8 years ago  (edited)

Music is an intriguing, but daunting activity for a lot of non-musicians. I've heard countless individuals say how they would love to learn an instrument, or learn how to write music, or stare at lyric sheets they've written wishing they knew where to take it. Music theory is an extremely dry subject, and that's mainly because we've spent a lot of time using the same classical music theory that isn't all that applicable at all to today's sounds. With that said, I've created a short video of how you can start creating chord progressions easily to begin writing your own music - it's not nearly as complicated as most people think it is. Feel free to give it a watch and start off 2017 with a new skill set to develop.

You'll get a lot more information from the full (free) lesson at You can also make a free account to get access to an entire beginners' guide. Have fun!

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Great job, maybe now you could give us a special Chord Progression based on different styles of music and/or cultural backgrounds? That'd be awesome, great job by the way, thanks a bunch and namaste :)

huge ups mister

Many thanks!