Make Over Monday - Cover Songs

in music •  7 years ago 

Today, I decided to have a little fun. I changed the name from Masquerade Monday to #makeovermonday because I needed to think of something more catchy and I really didn't care for the other.
I decided that for today I would choose some songs that were originally recorded and performed by male artists, but were later covered by female artists. I chose just a few that I like and thought deserved a spot on the list. Some people may not have heard the cover version before. I sometimes like the cover versions better than the originals, but oftentimes, I will not tell anyone and will leave it a mystery.
Please enjoy these cover songs and let me know what you think of them.

  • This first song was originally recorded and performed by Rod Stewart, but was later recorded by Sheryl Crow, who I believe, did a great job with the cover of The First Cut Is The Deepest.

  • The next song was originally recorded and performed by the band Radiohead and was later recorded by Michelle Branch. And yes, I am referring to the song Creep. Another great cover by a female vocalist.

  • And last but definitely not least for the day, Amy Lee from Evanescence covered Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box. How do you think she did?


Ilsa Ione

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Very different from most of the Michelle Branch stuff that got played on the radio. I like it though!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, it is. I never thought I'd hear her sing a song that sounded that dark for her. I thought she did well with it. I won't tell you how I heard about it. It's kind of embarrassing. Lol