3D Rhythm of Life is a bilingual dance band based in New York led by drummer Michael Tate. They are a Latin tropical mix of funky salsa and Caribbean soul. They have had their new album Que Siga La Rumba played on all forms of radio, tv and other venues worldwide as well as the TV show Dancing With The Stars.
3D Rhythm Of Life – Fantasy
According to their website: “Drummer Michael Tate and guitarist Chris Amelar formed 3D in 1999 to write and perform music that is diverse, dynamic and danceable. While their recordings feature original material, live performances by the band also include inspired interpretations of a wide variety of popular songs.
While listening to 3D Rhythm of Life, one overarching attribute came to mind. That is mere professionalism. Everything about their cover of Earth, Wind & Fire’s “Fantasy” met or surpassed my expectations. Though covering music from a band as legendary as Earth, Wind & Fire can be considered sacrilege by some, my guess is that this rendition of their 1978 hit would make the original writers proud. The song becomes revitalized by a shift in feel & overall vibe…