Internet Music

in music •  9 years ago 

This is my blog for quality music that I find on the Internet: Maybe I'll post daily.

Here I have a music blog about many great musics you will find that will provide to you the ultimate joys.

-ur friend,


This is a wee American child doing what American's loving do.

This is my favorite singer from the Greatest Republic of Russia

This is a music about a hot bot(en) named Anna. She bans noobs from IRC and doesn't afraid of anything.

This is a special track to me as I remember asking a girl to be my girlfriend with this song playing in the background #memories :')

This is the final internet song about loving Chocolate sang by a great American rapper named Tayzon Day

*I move my mouth away from the mic to breath

#internetmusic #internet #music #amidoingthisrite

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May 25 2016

This song is about getting high and riding a bike in California..