RE: Dimmu Borgir's new album is "meh"

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Dimmu Borgir's new album is "meh"

in music •  7 years ago 

I am sadly not surprised. In my opinion, their last good album was
"Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia", from 2001 I think? They were still pretty original back then.

Some bands should just retire, or maybe start a new projekt?

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I think they would have been fine if they just kept the 2 members they fired on the team. I even enjoyed Abrahadabra although the guest vocal tracks (except Gateways) kind of got on my nerves because I like ICS Vortex's vocals so much. In Sorte Diaboli (if i spelled that correctly) is my favorite album but honestly, i like all of them except for this one and Stormblast isn't that great because of low production value and most of the songs are in a language i don't understand.

Yes, never understood why they did a new recording of Stormblåst. The old one had its charm. But I can totally understand that black metal in Norwegian is pretty hard to understand, I don´t either, even though I get the language.

Have to listen on In Sorte Diaboli, maybe I like it too :)

yes. Listen to In Sorte Diaboli. after writing this article i put it back on my phone and went jogging. It is such a great album. Unless i am terribly mistaken it is the last album they had clean vocals.