The Craziest Rocker of all Time...Genius or Lunatic?

in music •  9 years ago  (edited)

If you know this face then you know exactly what its going on, this man rigth here its considered by many as the craziest rocker of all time, who es he? keep reading so you find out.

Jesus Christ Allin, thats rigth, thats not a joke, Jesus Christ was his real name, born in 1956 in  Lancaster New Hampshire, and given this name by his father a very religious man who claimed have seen the lord Jesus Christ and that he personally told him to name him that way.

 His father  was an abusive recluse and religious fanatic, who threatened his family with death, digging graves in their cellar. In an essay titled "The First Ten Years", Allin wrote that his father wanted to kill his family in a murder-suicide. He "despised pleasure" and allowed his family "very little contact with others".  

Short after that his mother divorced the man and took his two sons with her, changing the name Jesus Christ for the name "Kevin Michael" trying to give her son a normal life, he then adopted the Alias GG, and then it was born.

GG Allin.

What made him so famous in the underground scene? his music? his face? no my friends, it was his act, wich included nudity, obscenity, self mutilation, violence, masturbation, engaging sex acts with women man and animals, urinating and defecating on stage.

He described his act as a "war zone" 

By now you must be thinking, why in the hell are you calling him genius on the title?, well its simple, maybe this man looked and acted as a crazy son of a b...but when he talked, his words actually made a lot of sense (well mostly).

"Rock and roll its about rebellion, I use my music as an act of rebellion against conformity, the goverment and the industry itself"

"Rock and roll its the fury within you, rock and roll its revenge, rock and roll its your enemy and I am your enemy"

"Parents in this society are censoring their kids, telling their kids to stay away of whats really going on in the real world, those are the people who are getting raped in the real world beacause they dont know how to handle tragedy"

those are some of the tougths of this unique character.

Why would somebody goes to one of his concerts? why would a woman go knowing she could get raped, and the point its clear, brutal honesty, everything this man did was outrageous, dont misunderstand me, im not in favor of raping women and shitting on stage, but i do think something, art will always be a reflection on society, this man was not created by spontaneous generation, he was molded by society, because everything he was, everything he did was in fact his way of showing the world how fucked up we are.

We as a society like to think that people like this are ruining the world, but we never realize that we are the ones that are ruining the world by creating people like this, because only a fucked up place can create a fucked up guy, and this particullary guy showed us how awfull things can get when fanatism and conformity get out of hand.

Thats why I made myself the question, is he really a crazy man? or is he a genius? every one can get their own opinion, if you wanna know a little more about GG Allin I recommend his documentary "Live Fast Die" where you will know a little more about this peculiar man.

So what do you think? can we let art run freely like this? should we censor it? or should we recognize that this kind of things are our fault?

I would like to finish this little post with my own reflection.

"People were so mad back in the 90s when GG was raping people in his concerts, but they didnt understand one thing, the people on those concerts knew that they were gonna get rapped, and GG gived them a chance to fight back (he was hospitalized many time because of this) and while all of this happended the same people complaining about GG were getting raped every day without knowing it by the goverment, and the goverment will never let you fight back"

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there are some things about GG that were great and others absolutely disgusting... he was definitely one of a kind. The rape thing was fucked though.. like FUCCCCCKED. ever see his appearance on Jerry Springer?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Yeah, actually thats the "interview" (along with the one he did before dying) that made me question his sanity, but the fact remains the same to me, all the disgusting things he did showed us how fucked up we are as a society, and GG knew how to do it perfectly.

well he was anything but sane and he was a product of our society.. so i guess it adds up lol