Top 5...Most Dangerous Metal Bands of all Time

in music •  9 years ago  (edited)

Being the big fan of metal music that I am, its always a joy try to find the kind of things that usually get out of the ordinary, in this case, i would like to adress a subject that i find very interesting, and that is "Dangerous Bands" and by dangerous I dont mean Guns n Rosses fighting on stage, I mean really dangerous, wheter because theyre crazy and going to their concerts could kill you, or because they have donde terrible things in their carrers.

I would like to remember my previous article about GG Allin, and point out that he obviously would be on the firsts numbers of this list, but I wont mention him because he already has a post dedicated to him, and if you dont know GG Allin, I recommend to you that post, wich I now you will like.


This band is very known in the world of rock because of their intense mosh pits,  whats funny about this thing is that these guys are actually pretty nice dudes, you would expect some assholes that dont give a shit about the audience but they have a well formed bond with their fans, but something is clear if you ever decide to go to a Slayer concert, you wont be safe, because in any momento a mosh pit can form and drag you into it, and when youre in a slayer mosh, youre gonna get bruised.


The reason why this band is on the list its the as the previous one, in fact some people could not even tell the difference between these two, but in my opinion Slipknot has always projected a more violent enviroment creating some of the more intense mosh pits in music in general, if you go to a Slipknot concert, beware.


Now we get into the more underground world, and the bands that I will show you are not dangerous for their acts on stage as for their acts in life, silencer is a big example, this is a band that very few people know about, and belongs to a musical genre that is also not very common to hear on the radio, Depressive Suicidal Black Metal, thats right, this maybe is the darkest genre in music in general, and this band represented that very well, the singer "Natti Natramm" was as crazy as they come, as yo can see on his picture where he has two pigs feet attached to his arms, whats really disturbing is the fact that on the only record that the band released, the singer used to cut himself while singing to generate the best scream possible, but finally Nattram endende on a asylum and the band ceased to exist, the reason why he entered?, he attacked to children on a park, practycally killing them.


Now we come to Norway, birthplace of the "True Black Metal" and one of the founders of this genre was Varg Vikernes, best known as the guy behind Burzum, one man black metal band that burned down churches in Norway, thats right this guy and his friends really took satanism to another level when they burned a lot churches, you also should now that Varg was finally sentenced to prison, the reason?, killing one of his friends, and that friend was....


The other Norweigan band that became famous burning churches, Mayhem alongside Burzum helped in the creation of black metal, but what made them most dangerous? It was the led guitarrist Euronymous, he was the one that came up with idea of burning churches, he was the one who was planing kill Varg Vikernes before the leader from Burzum finded it out, and the other two that stood by his side? well the drummer was a very violent man that i his free time liked to punch gay people until practically killing them and the singer was a very disturbed guy whoe took his own life with a shotgun, and when Euronymous discovered the carcass, well, he took a picture and use it as cover to their next album...thats rigth that was Mayhem.

If you liked the post i would like to read your comments, do you know other band more dangerous than this?

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Thanks a lot! glad you liked it : )

I heard a story that the guy from Burzum actually went to prison and once he got out he just killed someone else and got in again like a few days later :D

hahaha, actually he was caught trying to smuggle guns in a airport, the quesiton was, what he planned to do with those guns?

i cant ' t agree with this except Silencer because i don 't know anything abouth them .
Slayer and Slipknot are not dangerous, fans are ;) and if you are afraid of mosh pit just don't stay close to it .
Varg is moron , unstable liar who did what he did .
The band that contributes most to the black metal is Celtic Frost .
I will read more abouth Silencer thx for info , you can check for Satan Panonski on youtube .
Nice text ;) but sry I just can't agree with it .

edit : i forgot Venom from England