Hi my name is Maria I am music

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Hello my name is Maria I am 18 years old I graduated from music school. I studied in music school for 12 years. It is very difficult and of course interesting :-)

I played the piano. For those who do not understand what was going on. Here is such a tool.

                                                                                   Everything about this tool

Predecessors of the piano were the harpsichord and clavichord invented later. Their shortcomings were quickly fading sound that interfered with the game of Legato, and a constant volume level (which applies only to the harpsichord), which excluded one of the important expressive means of music — dynamics (changing volume).

Piano — keyboard-stringed instrument with a horizontal (Grand piano) or vertically (piano) arrangement of the strings. The sound of the piano is greatly influenced by its design, from the XVIII century has undergone significant changes. The piano consists of the acoustic system (soundboard, strings, clothing), keyboard mechanism, support structures (back, metal frame, pin block). A complex system of levers of the mechanism allows the transfer of force from a player via the key to the hammer, whose impact on the string produces a sound. The actual range of the piano — 7 ⅓ octave (88 keys).

Invented piano harpsichord Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731), from 1698 working on a hammer-action mechanism for harpsichord (official date about 1709). In 1711 the mechanism was described by Scipione Maffei in Venice the magazine "Giornale dei letterati d'italia". The instrument was called "gravicembalo col piano e forte" (harpsichord with soft and loud sound) — pianoforte — and subsequently got the name of the piano. In the invention B. Cristofori was laid out basic details of the modern mechanism of the piano hammer, spiller, shelter, finger, damper. The invention of Cristofori was the beginning of the development of mechanics English system. Other types of mechanics was developed by Marius in France (1716) and Schröter in Germany (1717-1721).

In subsequent years, the improvement in piano manufacturing was associated with the evolution of the keyboard mechanism, the introduction of a cast-iron frame, pedals, increase range, change the location of the strings. Above the keyboard mechanism at various times worked for K. G. Schroeter, I. A. Silbermann, I. A., Stein, I. A. Streicher, I. K. Zumpe, A. Beckers, S. Erard, J. Blüthner, John. Brinsmead.

In 1721, the German musician and teacher Gottlieb schröter (1699-1782) invented a fundamentally different mechanism in which the hammer is attached to the end of the keys, tossed up and strikes the string (Prellmechanik). In the second quarter of the XVIII century, the pianos begin to engage the German organ master, of which the most famous I. Stein and G. Silbermann. Johann Andreas Stein (1728-1792), a pupil of G. Silbermann (1683-1734), realize the idea of G. Shreter, in 1770 and perfected the mechanism. Now the pianist could more easily perform virtuoso works, however, a significant drawback was a weak rehearsal. The mechanism of Stein (Prellzungenmechanik) called "Vienna" or "German" and was in use virtually unchanged until the second quarter of the XIX century

From the 1750s in London Johann Christoph Zumpe[en] (1726-1790) began to make quadrangular piano, providing a slightly modified mechanism Cristofori.

From the 1760s, the piano is widely distributed in all European countries, including in Russia.

Sebastian Erard invented the mechanics of a "double rehearsal", which allowed to extract the audio during fast re-pressed with a half-turn key. In the mechanics of the English system, such repetition was possible only with the full lifting of the keys, and hence the damper could drown out the string.

In Russia, the piano business was primarily due to the St. Petersburg[2]. Only in the XVIII century there were over 50 piano masters. On the development of factory-made piano from the first half of the nineteenth century was influenced by the work of the first Russian piano manufacturer, supplier of the Imperial court English master, Fevrie, German masters of the I. A. Tishner, K.-I. Wirth, A.-H., schröder, J.-F. schröder, and, from 1840, the Belgian City of Lichtenthaler[3]. Today, famous names of more than 700 piano masters who worked in Russia before the revolution of 1917 These studies[4], as well as issues of attribution and examination[5] piano deals candidate of philological Sciences, the piano master of the St. Petersburg Conservatory M. V. Sergeev. He prepared "an Illustrated catalogue of the music of Russia 1725-1918".

In the mid-nineteenth century Germany opened the factory by J. Blüthner, C. Bechstein, USA — Steinway and sons, for many years had no equal. From 1828 to this day in Austria (Vienna) there is the piano manufacturer Bösendorfer is the oldest of the existing.

In the twentieth century, a radically new instruments — electronic keyboards and synthesizers, as well as a special form of sound production — prepared piano.

The first piece of music written specifically for piano, appeared in 1732 (Sonata Lodovico Giustini). However, in droves composers started to focus on the piano, not the harpsichord, forty or fifty years later, in the time of Haydn and Mozart.

                                                                               Dating piano 

Since the beginning of the invention of the piano to the present day worldwide there were more than 20 000[6] piano masters and companies producing pianos. Each tool is marked with its own serial number, which can be used to determine the year of manufacture of the piano.

Typically rooms are placed on an iron frame at the top, near its attachment to wirbellose. From piano East German numbers were put on the hammers in the rightmost register.

At the piano of XIX — beginning of XX century rooms were often placed on the internal side wall or on the soundboard.

An additional factor that allows you to date the year of manufacture of a piano can be a number of mechanics.


Piano pianos are divided into tools with horizontal strings and piano with a vertical.

The first known upright piano is attributed to K.-E. Friderici (Gera, Germany) that created it in 1745, However, in 1742, from the workshop of Johann Zocher (ger. Johann Söcher) in Sonthofen (Bavaria) reached a similar tool, and in 1748, the same instruments were made and Mr Silbermann.

Varieties of vertical piano — pyramidal, piano Lyra piano Desk, piano and harp. From the mid-nineteenth century produced only pianos.


                                                                      Device piano

Strings with the help of virbila (pegs) mounted on iron frame, passing through the treble and bass stage glued to the soundboard (the piano soundboard is upright, pianos — in horizontal). For sounds lower case is used one string for the middle and high registers used twin or triple choir of strings. The range of most of the piano is 88 semitones from La subcontracted up to the 5th octave (the older tools can be limited to the note La of the 4th octave on top; you can find tools and with a wider range).

                                               The action of the piano mechanics

The sound of the piano is removed by the blow of a hammer on strings. In the neutral position of the strings except the last one and a half to two octaves in contact with the dampers (silencers). When you press a key the action is a device of levers, belts and hammers, known as the piano mechanics. After pressing of the corresponding choir of the strings moves the damper to the string can freely sound, and it hits the hammer, upholstered filcem (felt).

The scheme piano: 1 — frame and pin block; 2 — part hinged lid; 3 Capo; 4 — damper; 5 — stationary part of the cover; 6 — controlvalue; 7,8,9 — transfer from the right pedal; 10 — foot rod; 11 — pedal; 12 — Steg; 13 — rear pin; 14 — rear plate frame; 15 — soundboard; 16 — a string.


   The modern piano has two or three (rarely four[7]) of the pedal. In earlier instruments for the same purpose was used extendable arms, which the pianist had to press with his knees.

The right pedal (sometimes called just "the pedal", since it is used most frequently) raises all dampers, so that after a key is released the corresponding strings continue to sound. In addition, all the other strings of the instrument begin to vibrate, becoming a secondary source of sound. The right pedal is used for two purposes: to make the sequence of extracted sounds is inextricably (play legato) where it is impossible to do with fingers because of the technical difficulties, and enrich the sound with overtones. There are two ways to use the pedal: straight pedal — the pedal before pressing the keys that need to be delayed, and delayed, when the pedal is pressed immediately after pressing and before she was released. Notes this pedal is designated by the letter P (or abbreviation Ped.), but its removal with an asterisk. The music composers of the eras of romanticism and impressionism often these designations may have is usually to give the sound a special touch.

The left pedal is used to reduce sound. Pianos this is achieved by shifting the hammers to the right so that instead of three choir strings they strike only two (in the past sometimes only one). In a piano the hammers closer to the strings. This pedal is used much less frequently. In the notes it is denoted by the marked una corda, its withdrawal is marked tre corde or tutte le corde. In addition to the weakening of the sound, use the left pedal when playing the piano allows you to soften the sound, make it warmer and more muted due to the vibration of the liberated strings of the choir.

The average (or third, as historically it was added last) pedal of the piano serves to delay the selected dampers in the raised position. The dampers are located at the moment of pressing the sustain pedal in a raised position, are blocked and remain raised until the lifting of the pedal. Other dampers continue to behave as usual, including in relation to the main right pedal. Today this pedal is present in most pianos and is missing most of the piano.

Of unusual pedals:

  • Change the volume or timbre. Meet piano, in which the middle pedal is shifted to the left and thus is fixed in between the hammers and strings is placed a special cloth, where the sound becomes very silent, which allows the musician to play, for example at night. Is that on fabric mounted metal "noses", which hit the strings when you press and the sound is metallic, like the harpsichord. In particular, this technique was used on the piano "accord" made in the USSR.
  • Pedal resonance. In this mode, as with normal right pedal lifts all the dampers; when the key is released, the damper stops the string, and again departs from it. The main string stops playing, but the others continue to hum in unison[7]. This mode is useful for clearing staccato, better organ music. Is that the full pressing of the right pedal works as usual, and a half — gives mode resonance.
  • A separate manual, which is played with feet, for example, for rehearsals of organists. Cm. Pedal piano.
  • In the XVIII century, the wave drag of Turkish military music, there was the so-called "janissary pedals", which gave various sound effects (rattles, bells, drums)[8][9][10]. Extant instruments with six such effects. With janissary pedals sometimes play the Turkish Rondo by Mozart.

Playing the instrument

Piano can be used as a solo instrument and with orchestra (for instance, in concerts for piano and orchestra). Playing the piano — the exercise that requires good technique, attention and impact.

Great pianists of the XX century — Sergei Rachmaninoff, Josef Hoffman, Emil Gilels, Sviatoslav Richter, Vladimir Horowitz, Arthur Rubinstein, Glenn Gould and others.

Maintenance, setup and conditions

Piano requires the right conditions, and regular settings, as over time the tension of the strings of the instrument is attenuated. The frequency setting is dependent on instrument, quality of its manufacture, its age, conditions of detention and exploitation. Setting, as a rule, is not produced by the contractor and the specialist — a master piano tuner.

Keyboards musical instruments (piano) are equipped with a complex mechanism and carefully finished, polished housing. In this regard, they need careful and skillful handling during transportation, keeping them in certain conditions, and constant care. The main reasons causing various defects and malfunctions of non-production character in the tool are:

  • jolts and shocks during transport,
  • the negative impact of high temperatures,
  • excessive humidity or dry air,
  • the inept handling of the tool during configuration, adjustment and/or repair.

The observance of the rules of detention and care of your piano will preserve the acoustic characteristics (sound), its gaming qualities and exterior finishes of the instrument for a long time. After delivery to the apartment of the consumer is a new or used instrument should be check and, if necessary, to adjust its mechanism and to configure. Due to the fact that the force of the tension of the strings of a piano or Grand piano is up to 20 tons, there are significant stresses in the cast iron frame and wooden body parts. With the gradual alignment of these stresses, the tool after a considerable time comes in a stable condition. On top of that, the game on the new instrument leads to the gradual compaction of the cloth mechanism and is accompanied by the pulling of strings. That is why a new piano for the first year must be at least two times to re-set up and adjust. Wood and cloth used for the manufacture of pianos — hygroscopic: they can swell or shrink depending on the humidity of the air. In order to protect the piano from the fault is recommended to store it in normal conditions that an air temperature from +12 C to +25 C and humidity 42 %. In winter a piano falling from the street into the living room, exposed to the sudden change of temperature and humidity. In this case you should not open the keyboard and top cover during the day to mechanism and other internal parts of the piano warmed gradually to room temperature. The outer surface of the tool can "moisten", that is to wet. Wet surfaces should not be dry, you must wait until they dry out. After drying, the tool must be carefully wiped dry with a soft woolen or flannel cloth, especially all the metal parts.

To save the tool in good condition, observe the following rules:[11]

  1. Not to put a tool in the cold and damp of the walls near stoves and heaters.
  2. Regularly, at least once a year, to tune the instrument and to clean it from dust, which should invite the master of the Adjuster. The inept set and adjust can cause serious defects in the tool!
  3. When wiping the dust from the polished parts of the instrument use only a soft, dry cloth.
  4. To monitor the cleanliness of the keyboard becomes dirty keys should be wiped with a damp cloth, making sure water does not leak between the keys, and then wipe the keys dry.
  5. After the game be sure to close the valve (cover) of the keyboard.

Currently in Europe to ensure the safety of pianos everywhere — in concert halls, schools and private homes — the use of devices of control of humidity, humidifiers and humidity controls. Climate control maintains constant temperature and humidity inside of the tool and a well-justified, prolonging its service life by 2-3 times. Claims some of companies" licensed unit " — an exclusive right to sell — not confirmed European practice.


                                               This is one of my favorite tunes :-)

       Playing piano is very interesting. I love music, it really soothes. All good music, the mood. Play the piano to learn. It's very interesting. Thanks to everyone who looked at my post.

                &nb sp;                          @krasotka

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