Love & Hip Hop is a media franchise that consists of several reality television series broadcast on VH1. The shows document the personal and professional lives of several hip hop and R&B musicians, performers, managers, and record producers residing in varying regions throughout the United States. The original franchise version, Love & Hip Hop: New York, premiered on March 6, 2011. Its success resulted in spin-offs located in Atlanta, Hollywood, and Miami.
This list contains my fav music from the cast of L&HH
#15 Fizz (Love and Hip Hop Hollywood) - Good Lotion
#14 Rasheeda (Love and Hip Hop Atlanta) - I Meant It
#13 B.B.O.D (Love and Hip Hop New York) - Hell Of A Night
#12 Cardi B (Love and Hip Hop New York) - Forevea
#11 Masika Kalysha (Love and Hip Hop Hollywood) - Ohhh x3
#10 Olivia (Love and Hip Hop New York) - Where Do I Go From Here
#9 Karlie Redd (Love and Hip Hop Atlanta) - Heartbreaker Feat Young Dro
#8 Yung Joc (Love and Hip Hop Atlanta) - It's Goin Down
#7 Joseline Hernadez (Love and Hip Hop Atlanta) - Shots
#6 K. Michelle (Love and Hip Hop Atlanta & New York) - Mindful
#5 Mariahlynn (Love and Hip Hop New York) - Bad Gal
#4 Safaree (Love and Hip Hop Hollywood & New York) - Paradise Feat Mariahlynn, Jaquae and Kiyanne
#3 Remy Ma (Love and Hip Hop New York) - Melanin Magic Feat Chris Brown
#2 Mariahlynn (Love and Hip Hop New York) - Once Upon A Time
#1 Bianca Bonnie (Love and Hip Hop New York) - 9th Year