“Baba Yetu,” by Christopher Tin, and various artists … (Theme Song / Traditional / Spiritual – Music to Your Ears–43)

in music •  5 years ago 

This grand song has become one of the most popular choral works of these times.

Christopher Tin – “Baba Yetu”

“Baba Yetu” (2005, 2017)

Originally composed by Christopher Tin as the theme music for the video game “Civilization IV,”  this song was first recorded in 2005 by the Stanford Talisman a cappella group.

The lyrics of “Baba Yetu”   are a Swahili translation of the Lord’s Prayer. The title itself is translated as “Our Father.”

This live performance was recorded in Wales in 2017, at the 70th annual Llangollen International Musical Eistedfodd, in Wales. Conducted by Tin himself, this rendition features the singers Nominjin and Joel Virgel, the KwaZulu-Natal Youth Chorus, as well as  the Welsh National Opera Orchestra.     (Image source)

Pop Voices

Tin’s 2009 debut album included a version of “Baba Yetu”   performed by the Soweto Gospel Choir. Since then, has become one of the most popular choral works of these times.

In 2011, it won a Grammy Award for the “Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s)”  – the first Grammy ever awarded for the theme music of a video game. It has been performed in venues as notable as Carnegie Hall and in front of the UN General Assembly. 

Christopher Tin

Christopher Tin is a US composer. His focus is on orchestral and choral music, primarily for film soundtracks and video game themes. 

Score One for Genius

Tin studied music at Stanford University, Oxford University, and the Royal College of Music in London. While at the latter in 1999, he received the Fullbright Scholarship – the first time a Fullbright had ever been awarded for film-score composition.    

More recently, Tin has worked with various musicians to create contemporary arrangements of traditional music and poetry, including synth-pop, trip-hop, and even trance music.    (Image source)

Baba yetu, yetu uliye
Mbinguni yetu, yetu amina!
Baba yetu yetu uliye
M Jina lako e litukuzwe.

Utupe leo chakula chetu
Tunachohitaji, utusamehe
Makosa yetu, hey!
Kama nasi tunavyowasamehe
Waliotukosea usitutie
Katika majaribu, lakini
Utuokoe, na yule, muovu e milele!

Ufalme wako ufike utakalo
Lifanyike duniani kama mbinguni.


Our Father, who art
in Heaven. Amen!
Our Father,
Hallowed be thy name.

Give us this day our daily bread,
Forgive us of,
our trespasses,
As we forgive others,
Who trespass against us,
Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one forever.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Lyrics by Traditional / Christopher Tin, courtesy of – Wikipedia
Reference – Wikipedia
Reference – Wikipedia

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Wow! This is such a great song. I love the Lord's prayer and this Swahili translation is even more stunning.

The title itself is translated as “Our Father.”

That should be quite correct since the "baba" in my username also means Father. Baba means father in many African languages.


Good to know. There have been some Indian spiritual leaders who use "Baba" in their names (Sai Baba, Meher Baba), so I always wondered about the meaning. I assume it means "father" in their languages, too.

Thanks for your input and the info.

Always my pleasure. I guess that your assumptions are safe.