Florida’s leaders have not yet welcomed Trump to his new home in Mar-a-Lago.
Don Caron with The Freedom Toast – “Mar-A-Lago-Ville”

“Mar-A-Lago-Ville” (2019)
In this parody of Jimmy Buffett’s “Margaritaville,” we meet someone different from Buffett’s laid-back, margarita-sipping, tropical bohemian.
Dancing Lead-Head
Indeed, very different. The denizen of Mar-a-Lago-Ville is a coke-swilling, egomaniacal, dancing fool – who cannot even dance. Nor can he lead.
Unlike Buffet’s bohemian, who readily admits his “own damn fault” in messing up his life, Mar-a-Lago’s resident refuses to take any responsibility for his dangerous acts and abusive actions.
Welcome, or Wasting Away?

New York governor Andrew Cuomo responded succinctly, stating “Good riddance. It’s not like @realDonaldTrump paid taxes here anyway... He’s all yours, Florida.”
As for Florida’s leaders, they have not yet welcomed Trump to his new home. (Image source)
Don Caron with The Freedom Toast
Don Caron is a composer and film-maker who has worked in the entertainment industry for over 40 years.
The Parody Project

The Freedom Toast
The Freedom Toast is an initiative that occasionally brings together various musicians from a wide variety of genres.
While some of their creations are serious music, their objective is to shed some humorous light on politicians – and preferably to mock the lot of them. (Image source)

Coke in the 6-packs,
Making decisions that I will rescind.
Growling at fake news,
Singing the Schiff-Blues,
And otherwise farting into the wind. Wasting away again in Mar-a-Lago-Ville
Searching for some woman I can assault
Some people claim I really should be ashamed
But I know, there’s no way it’s my fault. I’ve had no affection
Since the election
But maybe that tall girl can bring me to life.
She looks like a beauty
A Slovenian cutie.
Oh wait, I just realized that’s only my wife. Wasting away again in Mar-a-Lago-Ville
Searching for Barack policies I can halt
That was my aim, clearly Obama’s to blame,
Cause I know, nothing’s ever my fault.

Gotta stop letting all those Mexicans through.
So what if the crops rot,
I can still do the foxtrot.
I’m not really sure if that is even true. Wasting away again in Mar-a-Lago-Ville
Searching for those “facts” I can label with “alt”
Some people claim that there is Putin to blame.
I say no, but that don’t mean it’s my fault. Yes, and, some people claim Vladimir Putin’s to blame
But I know, nothing’s ever my fault. (Image source)

(Right-click to hear on YouTube)

Lyrics by The Freedom Toast, courtesy of – YouTube
Reference – YouTube
Reference – TheGuardian.com

Into your ears … through 5 channels
The various posts are categorized into 5 channels (Right-Click to see details)1 – “Music to Your Ears” (MTYE)
2 – “Cover Versions”
3 – “Honor Roll”
4 – “Documentaries”
5 – “Mock’n’Roll”

More “Mock’n’Roll” ...
Mock’n’Roll – Music to Your Ears – "Posts 1~20"
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Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"

Great Lyrics, a compilation – “Part Two – My Lyrics Posts 31~60”

Vocab-Ability – "Index" to all Chapters and Sections

Notes from Under the Tatami Mats – "Part Two – Notes 51~87"