“Roadrunner” by The Modern Lovers – SteemitCentral Lyrics Challenge – Day 34 / 60

in music •  6 years ago  (edited)

“And me in love with modern moonlight, Me in love with modern rock & roll, Modern girls and modern rock & roll”

song ~ “Roadrunner”  
artist ~ The Modern Lovers  

One two three four five six!
Roadrunner, roadrunner
Going faster miles an hour
Gonna drive past the Stop 'n' Shop
With the radio on
I'm in love with Massachusetts
And the neon when it's cold outside
And the highway when it's late at night
Got the radio on
I'm like the roadrunner

I'm in love with modern moonlight
128 when it's dark outside
I'm in love with Massachusetts
I'm in love with the radio on
It helps me from being alone late at night
It helps me from being lonely late at night
I don't feel so bad now in the car
Don't feel so alone, got the radio on
Like the roadrunner
That's right

Said welcome to the spirit of 1956
Patient in the bushes next to '57
The highway is your girlfriend as you go by quick
Suburban trees, suburban speed
And it smells like heaven (thunder)
And I say roadrunner once
Roadrunner twice
I'm in love with rock & roll and I'll be out all night
That's right

Well now
Roadrunner, roadrunner
Going faster miles an hour
Gonna drive to the Stop 'n' Shop
With the radio on at night
And me in love with modern moonlight
Me in love with modern rock & roll
Modern girls and modern rock & roll
Don't feel so alone, got the radio on
Like the roadrunner

O.K., now you sing Modern Lovers (Radio On!)
I got the AM (Radio On!)
Got the car, got the AM (Radio On!)
Got the AM sound, got the (Radio On!)
Got the rockin' modern neon sound (Radio On!)
I got the car from Massachusetts, got the (Radio On!)
I got the power of Massachusetts when it's late at night (Radio On!)
I got the modern sounds of modern Massachusetts (Radio On!)
I've got the world, got the turnpike, got the (Radio On!)
I've got the, I've got the power of the AM, got the (Radio On!)
Late at night, hit 'em wide, with rock & roll late at night (Radio On!)
The factories and the auto signs (Radio On!)
We've got the power of modern sounds (Radio On!)
Alright     (Image source)


This under-rated classic is one of the finer “road tunes”  of the rock/pop canon. 

Positive dreams 

Jonathan Richman captures the time-honored experience of American youth – driving down the highway, listening to music, going nowhere in particular – except maybe towards freedom. 

But unlike the typical American youth, Richman is blissfully cheerful as he gazes out at the nondescript scenery. He sees even the factories and the roadsigns in a positive, dreamy perspective. 

Significant philosophical statement

His bandmate reflected how Richman would “see all this beauty in things where other people just wouldn’t see it.”   That’s a sign of a true artist, and a recipe for great art such as this. 

As the rock critic Greil Marcus stated, “Roadrunner is one of the great significant philosophical statements of our time.”   And it’s got a great foot-tapping, sing-along rhythm, too.     (Image source)
Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers – "Roadrunner"  (Right-click to hear on YouTube)
Lyrics by Jonathan Richman, courtesy of – Genius.com
References – Wikipedia
References – Genius.com

This is my entry in the 60-Day Lyrics Challenge.
Click here to learn about @SteemitCentral’s – Lyrics Challenge.

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Great theme and good rhythm, but you know how to analyze the lyrics, it combines a lot with the life of an artist, and especially when you are a singer, I say this because in spite of providing many joys with your songs, you must definitely love what you do and I feel it is a song dedicated to the life that they have been traveling and traveling along roads and arriving at the night spots where they should appear.

Well it's my point of view after reading the lyrics. I loved it..


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Wow. Love this

These are fine lyrics, no doubt. I can imagine the singer bolting on the road like lightening with his radio blaring, the trees dancing to its rhythm. I hope this song does not invoke the kind of speed that sends the driver to the road beyond. Did you ever listen to this song while driving a car?

Great song. Beautiful analysis.