RE: Sound Legion presents Producer and Audio Sound Man Clint Wagoner - ORIGINAL MUSIC

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Sound Legion presents Producer and Audio Sound Man Clint Wagoner - ORIGINAL MUSIC

in music •  8 years ago 

It's so cool to be introduced to more and more of your peeps.
But what's this?!?! Clint, love, we need a link to your STEEMIT account too. LOL

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We def need to get clint over here to steemit, I am gonna work my magic on him. I will be working on pulling all Artists and Producers who work with me and the whole of sound legion over. ;)

Yassss, woman! Make it so. LOL

Thanks for the awesome write up Bonnie. One thing I recently rebranded and have a new website and emails.

new site:

[email protected]

Really loving what you're doing here. Go girl!!!