Didge beatboxing under an Apple tree

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

Didge beatboxing under an Apple tree on a huge agave cactus didgeridoo made by Ian Shedley.

Special guest: honey bee - keep an eye out for his buzz solo!

I play yidaki (didgeridoo) with full respect to the First Nation (Aboriginal) people of Australia.
This area is tribal land of the Wurundjeri people.
Wominjeka! (Means hello/welcome in Wurundjeri language)

Nathan Kaye is renowned as being the first in the world to innovate human beatbox into the didgeridoo in the 1990’s.

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What a deep and intense sound! Fantastic <3

Thanks so much @amymya!
The didge is so deep and you're right, it is intense, in a good way. :)

THIS IS SO COOL!!! What awesome, creative sounds!!

Thanks so much @lillywilton! Stoked that you dig it! Let’s be friends on discord. Join the open mic discord server and also the PAL discord server!

Mate this is awsome, how was it the moth was getting in on the action infront of the camera.
That is one long didge.. ..you play it so well.

Thanks so much @sanddrift!
It’s such a huge didge. So long, in face, that I can’t tour with it, sadly. But it sounds incredible.
That was a bee. Whenever I play music outside bees come. Seriously. There’s a video called “Rainforest Jam” that I posted a couple of months ago where a bee kept coming to me.

Under the Apple Tree. A birthplace of legends! First Isaac Newton and now @nathankaye as well! So original... I thank you (and the moth) for being a great entertainer, a "one man music festival" indeed! :-)

Haha! That’s a comparison of biblical proportions that I can’t measure up to, but I thank you kindly.
‘Twas a bee. Bees are attracted to me when I play music. You see in another video I posted a couple of months ago.

Haha! Love it! ;)

Yea Boi

Ha! That's too cool!

serious digi skillz bud!! :) love it!