My third Travel Tunes

in music •  7 years ago 

Today for my third post in Travel Tunes Tuesday, a project created by @nomadicsoul. (Read the original post here ). I would share some reminds of my stay in Poznan Poland firstly through Erasmus an exchange student programme for European students.


Let's begin

1 Maryla Rodowicz Hej sokoly

This songs is very popular in Poland and represents part of its unclear history. I learnt to this song during a trip organized by Erasmus Student Network of Poznan to Krakow. Actually some Polish member of ESN covered by singing it. It was a great trip in the most beautiful part of the country (just my opinion).

2 The way I are

This song represents the Erasmus parties with other students from different countries, most of them from Spain and from Turkey An authentic and funny situation. A situation where we almost all knew to each others. Also in these parties we knew the Dj and often playing this song. Anyway when I went to other bar or club I listen to that song many times also when I travelled around the country.

Well I have a largest list of songs the mentioned above. It was not the only one time I have been to Poland in the following years and the last time I was in Poznan during the new year's eve to spend it with my friends. I conclude my post with a Polish song

4 Ania Dabrowska Z Toba Nie Umiem Wygrac

Fortunately exists Shazam to realize the title the song I find and listen to them again. I heard to this song while I was in a bar drinking some beer I really like this song even if I do not know that much Polish language a very complicated language to learn in particular if our native language is one of the Latin ones.

I will post further my favorite travel music in the near future. Meanwhile I am glad to read comments and also listen to what are your traveltunes
Thanks to the creator for this great idea, to all of you for your attention and enjoy your travelling wherever you "roam" or "travel" :) :)

P.S If anyone from Poland read it mieszkalam jeden no akademik roku w Poznaniu ale nie mowie dobrze po polsku jest bardzo z complikowany przepraszam

Best Regards/Pozdrawiam serdecznie

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