Drake and Green Music Tours

in music •  7 years ago 


Drake and Green Music Tours

Effort Through Music

Drake observed that everywhere one turns, it is evident how poverty and pollution have hurt the neighborhoods. Therefore, the artist’s decision to go green has proved to be very influential as he has brought his fans along with him. Collaborating with Green the Block, Drake toured to 17 universities in 12 states to entertain, and with the assistance of Green the Block, enlighten his fans about the paybacks of going green. Benefits such as wealth, jobs, and health have been realized through this movement. This has been an important avenue that encouraged youths to enter into green energy related professions and to support the movement.



Green Tours

In the 2010 spring, Drake got on his first-ever trip as a headliner in collaboration with Reverb’s Campus Consciousness Tour, which started in 2006 with Guster. The Campus Consciousness Tour aims to connect artists with environmental student groups at schools throughout the nation to raise awareness through literature and events in tents on the show grounds, like environmental friendly screen printing from studio three a carbon-based textile company. At the time Drake said he felt that he and his fellow musicians underestimate the power of their voice and influence so often. Also, Passion Pit was featured by Campus Consciousness Tour in 2010, and in 2011 star performer Wiz Khalifa was featured. These efforts encouraged a large number of youngsters to be keen on supporting green energy.
Drake’s decision to go green translates to lessening his trip’s adverse impact on the planet and increasing its positive effect through the message he spread to his fans. Drake has been keen to ensure that his global tours minimize any harm on the planet.With Reverb’s assistance while on tour drake uses bio-diesel buses, operating with show venues to recycle, and aiding investment in carbon offsetting projects.



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