For San Francisco Bay Area people, you might enjoy learning about The Tubes.

in music •  6 months ago 


It was a creative era and the overlap with various key talented people is interesting.

Their early song “What Do You Want From Life” ends with a TV announcer-style list of enticing consumer goods you might want. The last one is “a baby’s arm holding an apple“. Because The Tubes were so involved in the comedy scene, I wonder if that line winds up having a connection to Austin Powers.

I was too young to have paid attention to any of this. My first exposure to them was “She’s A Beauty”, which is a good if rather unambiguous pop rock song and a departure from their earlier stuff. It sort of has a Cars or Dire Straights sound to me. Oh, and “Wild Women of Wongo”, after the drive-in film. A lot of their stuff is about films and books. “Walking In Your Footsteps” feels a bit Wongoish to me, with all the fun squeezed out. And very Frank Zappa.

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