On this day, 38 years ago one of the most commercial success album of Motörhead was released. It was their fourth album (fifth if we include compilation „On Parole”, released in 1979). This record was played much faster and harder than „Overkill” for example.
First track Ace of Spades tells about gambling. Lemmy loved playing one-armed bandit, firstly in the UK, after moving to USA, in the club called Rainbow. Lemmy’s technique playing on the bass guitar was unique. He influenced many rhythm guitarist. IMHO band between 1976 to 1982 had the best squad – Lemmy, Eddie „Fast” Clark, Phil „Philthy Animal” Taylor. Song (We Are) The Road Crew tells about life on musical tour, which has a lof of problems, but also lots of good things. Metallica has been late 11 years with its Nothing Else Matters :D.
The curiosity from this track is at the end of the composition we can hear very strange sound. Eddie was very drunk and when he played solo, he fell over amp. Track The Hammer is very rhythmical and has good vibration. Composition tells a story about murderer, which kills people by the hammer. Motorhead in that album combined very clever punk rock, rock and roll and even heavy metal sound. I suggest this record for all the fans of heavy music. Lovers of rock and roll spirit will find something interesting to them too. This album was very influential for many thrash metal bands, especially Metallica and Megadeth. It reached a status of gold album in the march 1981.