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Thanks for these suggestions! I've been listening to EDM for 20+ years and it is a major part of my life. I love this subgenre, which I am not sure the official title of, but personally I call "Ascension EDM" in my playlist I've been building on Spotify for it (now almost 2000 songs, just shuffle and go):

I've added your new suggestions to it as well, but some others from my list for anyone interested in spiritually uplifting consciousness expanding music are:
Beats Antique
Random Rab
The Polish Ambassador
Love & Light
Russ Liquid
Desert Dwellers
Kayla Scintilla
David Starfire
Space Jesus

sick. stoked to check it out!

am sure there is some great gold in there. thank you! :-)

Been a fan of Tipper for a while... Haven't heard of Anchor Hill before but it sounds fresh so far! Boom!

great stuff...thank you for posting!

I love to see people opening up to an abstract world.
Great post and awesome music :)

Thanks for the recommendations!

Nice, thanks for that!
If you like this and think its far out, you should try these two:
Crisopa -

and Krill Minima

Thanks for the additional suggestions!