The standard tuning of a musical instrument in common is as you know very well the A440 Hz. I had noticed on the internet for a long time that many modern theories about the desired frequency of 432 Hz are circulating.
What is true and what is not really I do not know because I am no scientific expert in this field so it will not be a mistake. I suppose this is only just about everyone's taste. You can read more about the 440 Hz frequency at this link:
Personally, I've been willingly using 432 Hz tuning for considered almost a year now. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but personally, I sincerely like this tuning at the moment, but I don't know why? Maybe in a while, when I get tired of 432 Hz tuning and typically want to experiment, I prefer tuning in 444 Hz ... You can tune your musical instrument from 415 Hz to 466 Hz on GuitarTuna:
There is even a 432hzplayer where you can listen to music or songs at 432Hz:
You can even convert your music collection or songs to 432 Hz online:
Tutorial how to convert from 440 Hz into 432 Hz in Audacity:
I wisely suggest that you each independently investigate what is true and what is related to the 432 Hz frequency and come to your own conclusion. As I mentioned earlier, I am no conspiracy theorist.
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