Tune Thursday - Zoutelande by BLØF

in music •  7 years ago 

Like I promised the last Tune Thursday, I will start focussing on sharing more of Dutch music

Why? Because I am Dutch (duh) and I think sometimes we really do make some enjoyable tunes.

Today, I would like share a song with you by a good, ol' and famous Dutch band: BLØF.

BLØF is a Dutch rock band from Vlissingen, Zeeland, which has become popular regionally and internationally for its music, its frequent collaborations with bands from other parts of the world, willingness to incorporate other genres into their "sound", and focus on bettering the world around them. - Wikipedia

They have been around for quite some time randomly jump up the charts again. This time they did it again with their song Zoutelande. Which literally translates into Salty lands or countries. To me, it is one of those great catchy songs which I happened to enjoy a lot. Obviously, that's why I am sharing it.

The song is actually featured with another artist, but honestly, I do enjoy the solo more hence, I shared the solo version below.

If you're interested in the duet version and thus original video, click here.

Basically, the song is about being with the one you love. They explain how the Netherlands is cold, people are moving to warmer countries, but they simply do not have the money to go. However, they went to the beach house of the woman's father where they simply drink and hang out in this sad, neglected place. It is a really simple scenario, but they seem to really be enjoying themselves and each others company.

Here are some lyrics translated:

  • Wij zitten hier in het gammele strandhuis, maakte me toch al nooit uit waar we waren - We are sitting here in the old beach house, I never cared where we were.

  • Niets is mooier dan met jou het land doorkruisen, op mistroostige plekken je bij me te hebben - Nothing is more beautiful than crossing the country with you, to have you with me in sad places.

I guess this simply seconds a lyric which I am a big fan of. I realized and felt it's deeper meaning during my travels the hard way. Yes ,I am talking about a lyric from Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros's Home:

"Home is wherever I'm with you."


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My name is Shannon, I am a digital designer and I am currently on my world trip which I am exclusively blogging about on Steemit! :D There is not a specific goal to my trip other than to have fun, discover places and unravel the secrets of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the USA (for now). Follow me on my adventures!

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