SUBMISSIONS HAVE BEGUN!! Sound Legion presents Steemit Artist Music Compilation Volume 2 - HIP HOP RAP VOLUME

in music •  8 years ago  (edited)

Sound Legion presents

Steemit Artists Compilation Volume 2 



The Steemit Artists Compilation is a collection of original songs from music artists on the steemit platform.   For Volume 1 we took everything that came in, 51 original tracks from 53 Steemians on    We were so impressed with the variety for volume 1 we wanted to accept everything to get a really broad range of what steemit has to offer sound wise.    For volume 2 we will be cutting the selections down to 20 accepted tracks that are genre specific to Hip Hip & Rap.   

Calling all original Hip Hop and Rap Artists on Steemit!!

How to Submit your original song!!


Send on Wav file Original Hip Hop Song to [email protected]

Must Include in the submission email

Artist Name | Track Name | Steemit Account

also send 1 outside steemit music link, this can include a YouTube, Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, bandcamp or other social media or online music link.   

Selected Tracks will be announced in the first official Volume 2 post on September 9th

The Hip Hop Rap Volume 2 posts will include

4 official posts on the volume from @soundlegion with all post payout profits going directly to all the artists on the volume.   

A Volume 2 15 Sec Clip of each track Music Video using 100% Free Stock Footage

All 20 songs packaged up in a free online digital album download release through 

lots of exposure and love from the steemit community

1 original Steemian Created Volume 2 Cover (Contest Coming Soon Winner will Receive 35 Steem) 

Post Challenges to earn Artists Extra Steem 

Steem Donation Options for all Artists

Individual Download Links for first 2 official posts- Top Downloaded Track Each week will get 15 Steem and second and thirst 5 Steem Each.   

Volume 2 Will also be submitted to several online indie radio stations that work with Sound Legion for song rotations.   We will also be looking for new radio stations and podcasts through steemit to showcase.   

Full Stats for Volume 2 will be displayed each week instead of partial stats.  Downloads and Plays

Check out Volume 1 Official Post here!

Volume 1 Showcase 15 Second Clip of Each Track Music Video 

Using 100% Free Stock Footage

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Steemians and Fans will still be able to listen to and download Volume 1 on

@soundlegion Shavon Bonnie Legion | @clydemajiklegion Clyde "Majik" Legion | @qrittix Sven Qrittix Driesen | @simonkraemer Simon Kraemer

*Sound Legion Logos by @funkit @stephen.king989 @voodoolizard

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I'm looking forward to creating something for this volume.

Any rappers want to collaborate? Listen to my beats here -

Nice job friend.

I will be waiting for the great songs submitted here and add them to my playlists.

You are smart!

Thats what I've been waiting for :D
Already submitted! :)

Sounds awesome! Ill get some music together and get it submitted!

yes yes!!! looking forward to it my friend


please do my friend! this compilation is put together completely by independent artists, its not profit for us outside submission posts for the volumes and all post payouts for official volume posts go to artists.... def take a shot and throw us a submission, volume 1 was a great success, with lots of exposure for all artists involved. huge ups and i cant wait to hear something from you.
[email protected]

It's fantastic ! I even bookmarked this one so I wouldn't forget to download these songs :)

thats good to hear my friend def. im excited as well for this volume. There are alot of quality hip hop and rap artists on here so its gonna be interesting. Other genre volumes coming too as we progress.

Looking forward to see and hear more.

Hahah awsome ! This was just what I was looking for.

I just made a post about one of my most recent songs about the importance of communication. Its called when words are due.

Check it out here !

Sound nice! Love this :D


This post was featured in Cool Stuff Curation! Thank you for being awesome!

Read it here.

Glad to see Vol 2. is happening.

Not sure I will submit anything for this one though. Not really a genre that I can easily & effectively write for without outsourcing lol.

We'll see tho.

gonna have a few genre specific volumes you will do great in coming up. Acoustic Singer Songwriter is going to be the volume 3 release.

Great to know! I'll be on that one for sure ;)

IS there a Submission deadline?

im releasing this one on september 9th. Will set the cut off for Sept. 2nd I will be making an other post tomorrow and add that in there. Should have put that down. much love mista would love to have something from you in this genre.

I'm thinking about it lol... I mean I have some older stuff that I've done with A spoken word MC and female vocalist. It's hip hoppy. I feel like this compilation requires music that was made specifically for it and steem tho...

Entry submitted!