World Premier Music: "Songs 10 - 12 From Unit 05," the new Tetrahedroseph album you helped me select. Bonus secret songs list!

in music •  5 years ago 

Photo Nov 24, 9 43 44 PM

This is the official announcement of the release of Tetrahedroseph's "Songs 10 - 12 From Unit 05" on Bandcamp.

The three songs on this album have never been released to the public before.

The songs cost $1, but you can listen for free 8 times on Bandcamp.

The songs are:

Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 5.02.44 PM

Look for more songs details/explanations. I'm not sharing it here. You will need to click on it to find out more. Take a listen for free while you read about each song's creation.

I look forwards to see the increased traffic to my Bandcamp's music, but I don't expect anyone to like it. It's all good. I do it for many reasons and many tests will always find us throughout life... life is a test.

Thanks for the clicks:

Song 10 12 From Unit 05 Steem Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 5.09.12 PM

This should appear as an embedded player on Wordpress...

[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=2565615775 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]

I'm not sure how to do that on a Steem platform.

Any suggestions?

DTube is the best option I can think of. I could just create a simple video (famous last words) and use that to promote a song or two. I'm scared. Wtf did I just type? I need to change the subject fast.

Songs 10 12 From Unit 05 Tetrahedroseph 1

WTF is Unit 05?

It's a final album to this series containing music created in 2014. Unit 05 will contain 21 songs. The official name will be "Tetrahedroseph The Boiling Frog Unit 05." It's along title, hopefully you already know me from Steem and this is not a surprise to you. (Get paid to blog on STEEM!!!)

List of Songs:
5/4/14 Ty The BBQ Champ
5/7/14 Low Rider
5/9/14 Gangstu Beat
5/10/14 Like Water
5/15/14 Nappy Head Backup
5/15/14 Pee Anode
5/19/14 Da Way Ya Do
5/27/14 RedRedWine
6/22/14 Get Dan
7/13/14 Vapor Funk
7/17/14 Slap It Youth
7/28/14 “All Day All Night”

Secret List of Songs:
7/28/14 Cat Pee Upright
8/13/14 JB Did It First 2014 Aug12
8/27/14 JB Did It First Remix

Those songs are next on the album titled "Songs 13 - 15 From Unit 05."

WTF start with Unit 05?

It doesn't start with Unit 05. There are the previous albums that have not been published on Bandcamp yet. Please view the current discography in the image below.

Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 4.21.48 PM

All the albums featuring songs from Unit 05 will are leaning towards a indigo to match "The Boiling Frog Unit 05" because it has a blue album cover. ROYGBIV is the guide. Colors will blend. Unit numbers are loosely guided by the ORYGBIV color scale.

The collection of published music above is considered "incomplete" because many of the previous Units have never "been



I've never told anyone this stuff before. Very few people are subscribed. A few have purchased the entire discography. They are really happy people. I'm happy my sarcasm hasn't rubbed off on them.

Ohh look, orange and yellow...

Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 4.21.58 PM

Unit 01 and 02 were created long ago in Tetrahedroseph's music journey. I wish the years were more visible... Unit 01 and Unit 02 contain music created in 2002. I was using totally different digital technology back then...

It's all an overly complicated organizational scheme, but it's going to be organized after it's all finished. ROYGBIV is a patters I am following loosely. Unit 05 is blue. Unit 01 is red. I think we all see the pattern now. The next will be a greenish/yellow color to match an album called "Unit 02.1" or maybe Unit 02.3 because the music is from 2003 yet it's still considered part of some... logic.. that escapes me... at the moment. I guess I'll change the subject.

Good news, it is all currently under construction.

A renovation of creativity and imagery. It's not dead. I'm still working on it all. Art and mastering are the complicated parts... oh writing about it here on Steem and marketing for all of it is complicated too. No, it's crazy hard. I need to hire help. Anyway, I shall chip away, grind up, and kick and scream my shit until it's done. THEN, I will be free.


🐢 The next album to look-out for will be called "Songs 13 - 15 From Unit 05."

🙊 The next post to look for will feature an interruption to the entire color scheme I just mentioned and the Unit 05 series too. A departure I've already mentioned here: Music: Wanna Help Tetrahedroseph Decide The Next Splurge Album's Title?

Lots of splurgoholic by-products are in the works.

Learn more about Tetrahedroseph's music. These are the previous posts related to the release of "Songs 10 - 12 From Unit 05":

1️⃣ Tetrahedroseph’s Musical Discography Updates and New Music as of November 2019!

2️⃣ MUSIC: Help me choose an album cover for Tetrahedroseph's "Songs 10-12 From Unit 05"

3️⃣ Thanks for helping me choose an album cover, final cover reveal, and those hexagons explained.


This post was submitted with Another version might appear on Wordpress, but rest assured knowing that all links go back to Steem. The only exception would be Bandcamp links. Gotta have those. Thank for understanding. Thanks again for reading and supporting.

Have a prosperous new year.

Photo Mar 17, 7 31 19 AM (9)

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