Tele Tuesday - Solo in a Gilmour Style

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

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that was good :). adding a Fuzz pedal to the chain will take you closer to the Gilmoure tone, I suggest Wampler velvet fuzz pedal. check this video:

Gilmour mostly used 2 pedals to make his tone in years
1- Big Muff in 70's and 80's (they dont make it like 70's anymore)
2- BK Butler Tube Driver, which is a hand made killer one in recent years

I don't have a fuzz, so maybe I need one. My Zoom G3 has some, but digital won't be the same

Yes digital cant do it, This wampler is made specially to sound like Gilmour , I use it and it sounds great.

I only just watched the video. It really does get the sound, but it's not a cheap pedal. I'l certainly consider getting one. I can use some Steem to pay for it :)

@steevc Nice! Very chilled! I am a lefty.... owned a guitar once but could never quite get my pinky finger to stretch far enough hahahaha!!! - Ill stick to piano ;) hehe!

I've played a bit of piano, but I have issues with my right hand and can't spread my fingers so much now. I'm happy enough playing guitar.

sounds like we have the same issue but with different instruments haha!!! We should do a duet lol ;)

The bit between 1.00 and 1.30 is where it really grabs you! That is the bit where you feel wild and crazy, like anything is possible. :)

I love bending those strings :)

It looks effin hard, but I suppose that just makes that incredible yearning empowered sound even more satisfying! :)

There's years of playing behind this

Damn, that's really good, better than anything I have heard you ever do. I can hear some 'Shine on you..' at the end, a different variant.

Cheers. I need to work on more stuff like this