Original song "Hate you baby / Hate the Babies" My entry for Steemotion contest : Hymns of Hatred

in music •  7 years ago 

This is my entry for the Steemotion contest : Hymns of Hatred.This song was another relic from the ruins of my failed relationship ( yes I'm talking about the break up again such a boring cliche....I hate myself ....no I don't did that for poetic license).Anyway in the first verse of this song I am feeling alot of strong hateful emotions, however I know its only in my head. I don't hate my ex girlfriend however I need to hate something or expel these emotions somehow . My hate at this point in time felt like it was in a new city (new emotional environment) and trying to figure out what direction to set off in . My hate was looking at google maps on its phone and was clearly confused and misguided .

The second verse deals with another new situation I was thrown into. Upon approaching my mid 30's all my friends started having babies. Now as a consequence of this I started to lose a lot of close friends . By this I mean they were not always around to hang out and I felt like a massive chunk of my group of friends had fallen away. This again was a scenario where I hated the situation and not necessarily the people or in this case the babies involved . To quote my own lyrics like a pretentious prick "don't want to see a baby dead"


I hate you baby
Now that's not true
I want to hate you baby
Cause I'm feeling blue
I hate you baby
I want to go fucking red
I hate you baby but it's all in my head

Hate you baby

I hate the babies
Now that's not true
I want to hate the babies
cause they took my crew
I hate the babies
Don't want to see a baby dead
Hate the babies but its all in my head

Hate you baby
Hate the babies
Babies and baby it's all in my head

Finally when I think hate I think of this guy. Dave-Mustaine-dave-mustaine-30473737-354-450.jpg
Image source

This is Dave Mustaine from Megadeth . I dont hate Dave Mustaine but he has a lot of hate. He was beaten by his alcoholic father and then channeled that anger into metal. He joined Metallica and they were offered a record deal in New York. They drove from San Francisco to New York and after Dave's belligerent behaviour they kicked him out of the band . They did not do this on the way to New York they did this when they got to New York . They woke him up, drove him to the bus station and put him on a Greyhound back to San Francisco . That is a long coach ride and on the ride I'm sure he was filled with hate go listen to some early Megadeth and you can feel the vitriol.

Video by megadethvevo

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Fucking awesome!!

Thanks echo hope you and web gnar all good hopefully I can come back to chi town in the fall throw down some skating and tunes

Love the vibes! Keep up the good work! :)

Thanks a lot dude

yeah this is so good

Cheers mate

I think this is my favorite of your stuff that I've heard so far. :)

Really ...blush

Loving this! I can totally relate as I have no kids but all my friends do! Really fun lyrics. I love Megadeth a lot but only the 2 first discs, Killing is my business and Peace sells. Yeah Dave is angry alright. You are a true Champion.

Wow thanks dude , I have just started a new job so my schedule is all fucked up . I am quite a boring structured dude so new schedules fuck everything up for a while ....will end you a track at some point

Good one!!

Thank for the comment

Hey man, wagwan. Yeah I'm on that same thing, heaps of the crew now on nappy patrol. What are ya gonna do? #donthatethebabyhatethegame

Yup we old fuckers innit