Joyner Lucas - I'm Not Racist... A Powerful and Important Message

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

      Joyner Lucas recently released a track called "I'm Not Racist" and luckily for him it went viral. This was in part due to it's very thought provoking message, and also due to the shock factor involved in watching the video. As everyone's first time seeing it they thought a white man was repeatedly saying the N word, not knowing who Joyner Lucas was. The song is incredible, but unfortunately most people are completely missing the point of the song.

      It features two men, a middle aged white man who supports Donald Trump, and a younger black male who obviously opposes everything he stands for. The first verse is delegated to the former, where he lays down everything he thinks is wrong with black culture, with his rant slowly growing more and more racist as the song goes on. All the while he's asserting that he isn't a racist.

      Next up the black guy speaks his piece, and it's much of the same thing from the opposite perspective. It's readily apparent that just like his white counterpart, he is in fact racist. This is a powerful message, and one that's extremely relevant in our political climate. Yet, it's completely going over everyone's heads.

      To the masses this song is a direct shot at white people and their racist beliefs. They seemingly don't understand that both of the men in the music video are racist, not simply the white guy. Most people just walk away from this song feeling very angry at him, while praising everything the black man said as gospel. It's disappointing.

These people don't realize that they're perpetuating exactly what the song is speaking out against. Both sides of the coin are wrong. I also feel the need to say that the message aside, the way Joyner Lucas is rapping on the beat is amazing.

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