Massesect - Fate Within The Coil Song And Art. Concept Of Net Use As Emotional Bandage To Psyop Bondage

in music •  2 months ago  (edited)

Massesect - Fate Within The Coil Cover Art_resized smaller.png

*All Music And Art Made With Artificial Intelligence

Being enwrapped in intra-teller communication systems where content is hyped to ugly societal prejudices to be weaponized in conjunction with your traumatic wounds in order for you to be controlled. The 'fate within the coil' effect is when you come back to the reality that there are many voices of the collective and that life is not so black and white, it's shades of grey. In this understanding comes quantum realization. The brain is not and never could be a computer, also life and experience are superior to any simulation. Empathy makes us human so that can guard towards any onslaught because we know that hate is fake in whatever form we find or in real life. We know how to pick apart the 'bad attitude' of the assimilating mono-mind, it is known that it's guise has a corny and unreality aspect to happens when we are pre-defined and othered in ways that are abusive from someone or by some institution, even a child senses an insult to their being. Like uh, just look at how corporations have status of humans, that is an example of an unreality made to be real that is causing harm. It goes against the Temporal Prime Directive. Revoke corporations having personhood status, that is my strongest suggestion...because I think that can lead to people no longer being treated as 'things'


I'm just saying this is what the Fate Within The Coil song helps me think about. You come back to yourself. Sometimes when you detach, you find out you were right or that you were wrong, influence measured with experience, then you ask: "what story do I want to tell my self" or "what kind of story do I want to make out about that experience or event" It's not always easy to have reflective distance in the moment, sometimes you will make mistakes...if your not making mistakes, you are not learning.


Made allot of art for the album covers. I used Ideogram to make the pictures. In the end I only chose one but it was a fun process. I like when I can make long prompts because I think it opens more possibilities for variety of content. Same with the music generation. If the a.i. is smart it can extrapolate pretty well from shorter prompts too.

Here is the song on YouTube -


The song is a Cyberpunk sort of tune tackling problems. I like that it has an intensity to it! It also has some synth-pop sort of elements to it. I think it turned out well. I was putting out a few songs out in the last while and an E.P. called The Elon. It is now on Spotify as well. It also has some cyberpunk elements to it.

So I think the fate part is that reality wins, you become curled up, balled up, from a barrage of bullshit that blames you or blames the other and it's your job to unwind it. Go up the spiral, show me your spine! If you can, straighten your spine and breathe again. You come back to dignity and empathy and can also make the rage articulate because abuse is real and pain is real. The psyop reverses the roles to make those doing ill look like they are avenging but they are just pillaging your soul. Reminds me when I say there is a grain of truth in conspiracy...and so you learn to flip the bait


Well that was fun talking on about what concepts are in my head when I go about this sort of stuff. I look forward to the next. I try not to get too ahead of myself and post when I can. Usually the weekends right now or the odd day. Tomorrow will be my creativity day.


Music Links and Socials -

a-dark-and-surreal-album-cover-for-the-i_nxuq23xxTcqaUAFWDnK0bQ_7kP3DrVRSwudffT0VR6ccw (1).png

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