New Massesect Tune!! Plastic Infiltration. A Song About Plastic Pollution Effecting The Body And Mind

in music •  4 months ago 

synthetic infiltration cover 2.jpg

I have been pretty busy and now I had some time so went through some tracks I made with A.I. There are some made about micro-plastics infiltrating the organs in the body. It is something I think about. I read about how plastic pollution is found on every corner of earth and that micro-plastics infiltrate water, air and animal/human life. In these plastics are dangerous chemicals. I already made a song similar to this called Woven Toxins

I really like that song Woven Toxins! I may put out an E.P. sometime soon with chemical/plastic pollution as the theme. I'm glad I can make some pretty random seeming songs and then find some connecting themes. This makes me feel I should keep going and keep developing my ideas and putting my stuff out there as much as possible. I have a window of a break right now so I will try to utilize that. I am low of funds in the moment for more tools of creativity yet I know to use what I've got always

Here is the song Plastic Infiltration on YouTube

I am looking forward to doing nice things for myself in my down time here too. Like swimming and sauna. That helps to center me well. My brain is screaming a theme to work with in a flow of inspiration I am getting recently. So I will pursue it and take time to relax too. I should be able to upgrade in the coming week with a pay day then maybe a few days window before more work. I really needed a break from fatigue, not just from work, also from what allot is going on in the world right now. Putting that into a creative vision can be a good relief.

The new song is also on Band Camp

The song is soon to be on Spotify

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