I suppose I could write a few forced lines here in order to satisfy the latest stream of self-appointed content Nazis and their down-voting bot armies, but honestly it's pretty pointless. The music speaks for itself. There is no need. I just want to point out for the record that effort goes into selecting these tunes - years of record shopping and researching artists etc. i am not just posting youtube videos in some kind of cynical bid to make STEEM. Please consider this when down-voting. Lord, I'm hardly even making a pittance with Steemit as it is!
A few old school hard trance tunes for your enjoyment.
Code-07 - Astral (Planet One) (1994)
Steve Baltes - Naked Brunch (1994)
RMB - Universe of Love (1994)
Antares - Bright Side Of The Sun (1995)
Also check out my other posts on the history of Dance Music, Rave & Club Culture in the UK
The Origins of British Dance Music, Rave & Club Culture: Part 2 Balearic Beat & Acid House
And if you like this kind of stuff then please follow me @the1950smoon