Another Hot Sticky Summer Day

in music •  8 years ago  (edited)


The Summers are very hot in Phoenix and I mean reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaly HOT...

Already, the temperature has hit 120 degrees and Summer has barely begun. Being outside is more than just hot and uncomfortable - it's downright dangerous. Every year there are deaths caused by the intense heat. Over and over, animals and even people locked in cars die from the heat.

When I used to drive a cab, it was common to pick up people from the hospital who had collapsed from being out in the sun. They might have passed out at the bus stop and been saved by someone's 911 call. One woman passed out on her patio and suffered 2nd-degree burns from being in the sun. Literally, 100s of immigrants have died from attempting to cross the border illegally. Summer is serious business here in Arizona.

As you can imagine, the hot summer days get old pretty quick around here. You try to avoid being out around mid-day; do your shopping in the early morning or in the evening when after the sun has set.

Fortunately, everywhere you go there is air-conditioning and you are only outside briefly. This song captures what it's like to have to be out in the heat.

I am releasing this tune on Musicoin the new platform that pays musicians when their audience plays there music. Click on the picture of the guy pouring water on his head to hear the recording. I hope you enjoy it.

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Artists are selling their music today and the system is live and fully-functional with new features being added regularly.

Musicoin is a great project with some really great people behind it, and you guys (and all of your singer/songwriter friends) should check it out. Find out more at, join the slack, follow on twitter and join the Music revolution!

Thank you for the public service announcement! We all need a friendly reminder to drink plenty of water, plan for your day if your in the heat, and for god sakes, do not leave your kids in the car even if its running!

You got that right!

I used to haul 'spas' out of Phoenix...those damn things needed to be tarped. I'd get to the shipper before dawn, get loaded and get er tarped before the sun got high. Those tarps got HOT. They'd literally burn your skin.

One day I was sitting in my truk at Rip Griffins TruckStop just west of town. They recently re-blacktopped the parking lot. 10 acres of black ashphalt. My outside thermo meter read couldn't read any higher..but if it could have it was a LOT hotter in the middle of that parking lot that 120 F. When I opened the truck door it was like stepping into an oven. Literally.

This was back in the nineties...

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience with the Arizona heat!

you're more than welcome.