Music for Today

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)


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I spent a very long time trying to think about what I want to write about today but I never made up my mind. For starters, there is just SO MUCH that needs to be written about. My second problem was that so many worthy topics just kept bubbling to the surface. Good problems for a writer to have, I'm sure you will all agree.

The problem is, after focusing my lenses... What has been popular in Steemit? Nothing so far. What has been profitable in Steemit? Nothing. Of course, I couldn't write about anything too personal on Steemit. So, I ultimately decided on a lame topic. It's not a lame topic intrinsically, but rather it has been so over done. You know what? Who cares? :)

Thousands of years ago, Aristotle posited that locomotion was the most basic of all "self-induced" changes and therefore that was what separated those having an "anima" or "animating principle" from those objects that do not. Of course, Aristotle did not know of Amibas, or metabolism. He wasn't far off, I mean certainly there are more basic forms of self-induced change, but locomotion is a very basic one.

When a being moved (or anything really) it creates vibration. Thus, living things, which have locomotive capacity create intentional vibration as they move with intention. Now, the brain interprets vibration as sound, and organized sound is often said to be the very definition of music. Thus, I posit that intentioned movement creates organized sound, and that is called music.

Therefore dancing becomes one of, if not the MOST basic expression of life. It is with all of this in mind that I share 3 Of my favorite songs. This is all I really want to share today. I don't feel like I am cheating the community by doing so. I am just hoping that someone will hear the music, enjoy it for what it is worth, and remember that they are yet still alive. Just maybe someone will even realize the potential that this state provides. Either way, here you are :).



if you enjoyed this post, consider buying me some coffee with a few satoshi :)

Thanks for listening. :)

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Thanks for sharing @trucidus .

Im glad that you liked it. I will happily share more music. Was there one that you liked more than the others? :)

enjoy music

Thank you for your vote. Perhaps I will share more music in the future. Was there one song that you liked more than the others? Did you enjoy tye post as well? Or did you just skim to the music? I am really trying to figure out what my people want :).

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