Summer Breeze Open Air - Metal Festival South-Germany

in music •  7 years ago 

Hello Steemetalheads,

I decided to share some festival-experiences from time to time as variety to the band-information. I'll only write about festivals i already visited. If you have own experiences or other recommendations, feel free to give me some feedback in the comments! And now welcome to the first part: Summer Breeze!

Which kind of music?

As already visible in the headline it's a metal festival. So you can imagine the music like it is in Wacken but with more variety (more folk metal and also more metal core). The metal core is not well accepted by old Summer Breeze fans but it's an increasing genre so the band participation on festivals is also increasing. As I always say: if you don't like the band, stay on the campsite and enjoy your beer till the next band you like is playing.
Here are just a few confirmations for 2018, if you want to check all confirmed bands you can see it on their website linked here:

When, where and how to get there? Some facts:

The Summer Breeze festival takes place once a year in the middle of August near to Dinkelsbühl, a little town in Bavaria. This year it's from Wednesday the 15th August to Saturday 18th August, but you can already arrive on Tuesday.
You can travel by train and bus (there are a lot of shuttles driving) but then you need to carry your stuff on your shoulders to the place you want to raise your tent. That's not a big thing if there wouldn't be the beer to carry... Luckily it's one of the rare festivals in Germany where you can drive with your car on the camping ground and camp directly beside your car. All in all it's a very free festivals with low limitations regarding the campingsite. For sure there are good controls and we always felt save with the security and police patrols. I guess they choose the relaxed police mans for the festival patrols :)
IMG-20160828-WA0007.jpg This picture is from the first day in the morning when we arrived and built our camp. The area in the background was full of tents a few hours later. And yes, we had to mend the pavilion with a beer can.

With around 50.000 visitors it's one of the biggest metal-festivals in Germany. But the organization is better than on some smaller festivals. Really, they do a fucking. great. job! The toilets are cleared and cleaned on a regular basis, you have the possibility to take a shower or to buy things in a little shop on the campsite. The atmosphere is great and in the last 7 years i visited this festival, just one single time i met unfriendly guys.
The first two years i went there with just one pal and we easily found friends and guys to camp with. From 2013 on, we were a bigger group of around 10 guys and it's also possible to camp together.


There are 3 stages and one little tent for special gigs. The concert area is constant changing through the years, so you can see that the administration cares about the festival.

  • The main stage which was split in two stages in the past. Since 2017 they put it together to one enormous stage.
  • The T-stage which was a big tent in the past is now another big stage since last year.
  • The Camel-Stage which is for unknown artists and a very small stage in the middle of the concert area.
  • The little tent is called "Campsite Circus" cause it's outside of the concert area and is used for acoustic shows and late-night-parties.

Of course there's also criticism that Summer Breeze became too big and it lost its "family character" but that's complaining on a high level. When a festival is great, more people want to visit it. The more people are coming, the more administration effort and challenges are occurring and of course the price is raising a little. But it's a really long festival and it's worth every single euro.

Aftermovie 2017

If you want to visit this festival and don't know with whom, we're always happy to meet new people. Would be cool to meet some Steemians there!

Stay heavy \m/

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Haha great post.
Love the picture with the beer can haha :D

how long has it worked? 3 days? :D

Was it so long? :D

2016 we had better weather than last year.. i think it worked fine until Friday :)

Oh sorry, yeah you're right, it worked til friday. Nico used the plans on saturday to fix his tent :D

I dream about festivals like this! no such thing in Australia sadly :( not for metal anyway...

Really?! :O
Then you need to travel to Europe during summer time!

nice post, thanks!

I (Säsch) was at the festival in 2010, '11, '12, '15 and '17. always been a great festival, organisation and people.

But I really hope they'll lock the toilets for reserved areas next time.. :D

Poor people who had their special areas but when they came to the ground too late, their Dixies were already full..

They're not locked? xD
I saw some locked Dixis but then they were locked by the visitors when they arrived... S.I.P. poor metalheads...

nope they did have padlocks but they were open :D and from what I remember, you got the key on arrival. too bad if you decided to show up some days later :D (but the toilet situation overall was crap anyway last year..)

wow. fucking amazing///

thank you :) you're always welcome ;)

Achja das Summer Breeze Festival. Es wäre für mich sehr spannend dort hinzugehen weil ich persönlich dort noch nie war. Aber es wird wahrscheinlich erst nächstes Jahr dazu kommen das ich zum breeze fahren werde.

Ja schade, aber dann eben nächstes Jahr :)

Cool post, thank you to share your experience with us.
The affiche is not really my type but I know that the mood, the crowd in Metal Festival is pretty cool!!
I knew this festival by his name but I've never been there myself.
I'm a big fan of the Graspop Metal Meeting in Belgium since... 25 years now! It's more "meanstream" (well... hum...), less extrem but amazing.
But it's just like you said "The atmosphere is great".
See you soon on Steemit man (or on a metal field!) and... Metal rules!!

Thank you! I just checked the line up for Graspop Metal Meeting and... fuck.. nice! If I wouldn't already go to a festival in June i really would think about traveling to Belgium. 200€ is heavy but the bands... wow i'm impressed. If you're a loyal Graspop visitor maybe we'll see us next year!
If you think Graspop is mainstream, check out "Rock im Park" what we will visit in June. You will never see Tyr or Arkona there :( but for some bands it's worth it anyway!