How do you spend the time between albums? Here is my recipe

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Waiting for the world to change"

As a solid TOOL fan for years, the waiting has made me even stronger in belief of a resurrection in the future. All earlier scrolls have been under the microscope. Are they really not coming back? Maynard are you there?

10.000 Days

Tools latets albums 10.000 days, was the album already a countdown for the next release? April 28, 2006 10.000 Days was released giving it 27,3 years waiting and we are ing 2033, late august.

My advise is to stay strong

Steem UP & HODL!

Here is a taste of last month release of A Perfect Circle - The Doomed

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Ænima, Ænima, Ænima!
Tool hadde vært hjertelig velkommen tilbake i mine høyttalere med nytt innhold! 👊🤘

Må ikke slutte å mate høytalerne med gammel heller :)

Neida ;)

Hjelpe nok ikkje med verktøy for å fremskynde det albumet der. @joklahoma

Aldrig si aldrig ;)

Du får ta på deg maynard drakta di og ta TOOL dansen :)

den skal eg finne fram ;)
