Music Is Good for the Soul....

in music •  8 years ago 

Music Is Good for the Soul, and Your Health Research demonstrates music therapy provides a wide range of benefits.

We’ve all heard the idiom, “Music is good for the soul.” But, according to the evidence,it’s good for yourhealthas well.Study after study has found that musictherapyhas a positive effect on a broad range of physical and psychological conditions includingdementia, anxiety,depressionand cancer.Before we go any further, what is music therapy anyway? Music therapy is a service delivered by caregivers in hospitals, long-term care facilities and even outpatientclinics. The goal is to improve people’s health through music experiences such as free improvisation, singing, and listening to, discussing, and moving to music.Here’s a rundown of the most recent evidence on music therapy:.A small systematic reviewpublished in 2016 found that music therapy is effectivein improving the mental health of people who are incarcerated. An analysis of five studies found music therapy helped promote offenders’self-esteemand socialfunctioning. And inmates who attended 20or more sessions of music therapy saw improvements in levels ofanxietyand depression..Data show that music therapy can help alleviate depression in older adults.A meta-analysisof 19 studies found music therapy, combined with standard therapy, led to greater improvement than standard therapies for older adults with depression..A larger reviewpublished in May 2017 found significant evidence that music therapy helped older adults suffering fromdementia. An analysis of 34 studies, including nearly 1,800 people, found music therapy reduced disruptive behavior and anxiety and helped to improvecognitivefunction, depression and quality of life..A study published in 2013found that children admitted to the emergency department who listened to music during routine procedures showed less distress and reported lower pain scores than thosewho didn’t listen to music. The study included a total of 42 children aged 3 to 11 years who had an IV line placed. Half ofthem were randomly selected to listen to music chosen by a music therapist during the procedure. Health care providers reported that it was easier to insert the IV line in children who were listening to the music; health providers also reported more satisfaction with the placement compared to those who did not listen to music.*.A 2011 review published in the Cochrane librariesfound music therapy and music medicine interventions can help cancer patients. The review included 30 studies with more than 1,800 participants. Some studies included sessions with trained music therapists, while others involved medical staff playing pre-recorded music. The review found that music therapy helped the most with reducing anxiety levels. It also led to some positive effects on pain, mood, quality of life, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure.The bottom line: There is plenty of evidenceto show that music therapy used in health care settings can help calm patients. And given there are no negative side effects associated with music listening, it’s certainly a treatment worth trying

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