TEENAGE BODYCOUNT! or Teenage Death Songs are fun!

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

I’ve always kind of had a thing for teenage tragedy songs, I’m not sure if it comes from my creepy kid deathsession, or if there is just something I dig about the drama of them. There are so many of them out there, but I thought I would present you with what I think are some of the best. I’m sure based on my general fixation of them I’ll be bringing you another list of Bodies in the future.

Teen Angel - Mark Dinning - 1959

I figured I would start big with the whole prototype of dead teenager songs with Mark Dinning’s 1959 hit Teen Angel. The first of a few auto related dead teen girlfriend songs.
In this one Mark’s car stalls on a railroad track and his girlfriend runs back to the car facing diesel powered death for something. As she grabs it the train hits the car like well...a train. When they find her hand 20 feet away we learn that she ran back for Mark’s high school ring! I understand sentimental value and all that bullshit, but really what kind of moron faces down a train for a school ring, I could see if she had her cat in the car or something, but it’s a fucking ring, and not like a super bowl ring or even an engagement ring, just a high school ring.
Now her dying is sad and all, but this asshole’s primary concern seems to be she is going to start boning some other dude in the afterlife, really dude, I think it will be okay, I’m pretty sure considering your 16 you will both meet other people. All this awfulness really can’t take away from this being a pretty great song.
DEAD - Mark’s Jewelry obsessed Girlfriend.

Give Us Your Blessing -The Shangri Las-1965

You knew the Shangri Las would be on this list, I mean they kind of are the queens of teenage death. Leader Of The Pack would be the obvious choice, but I decided to go for the less well know but still great Give Us Your Blessing.
This song also features the postcard sized detour sign that seemed to lead to so many automotive deaths in the 60’s.
DEAD - Mary and Jimmy , sadnly never married

Run Joey Run - David Geddes - 1975

This is some seriously dark shit for Neil Diamond sounding AM Gold. Joey has apperently knocked up Julie, and Julie’s old man is killing a motherfucker pissed. There are mentions of “bruises on her face” inferring her dad beat the shit out of her before Joey bravely showed up (after Julie warned him not to) Julie ends up taking a bullet for Joey and sadly dies. I l think my favorite part is when Julie unleashes her Mary Weiss (of the Shangri Las) like “WATCHOUT”! This De Palma style split screen video is pretty great too.
DEAD - Julie taking one for Joey

The Boomtown Rats - I Don’t Like Mondays - 1979 -

This one has no actual dead teenages, but it is based on a real incident where the shooter was a teenager. How’s that for a twist.
In 1979 Brenda Spence decided to start shooting at the school across the street with her.22. She managed to kill 2 adults and wounded 8 students and police officer. When asked why she did it, she replied “I don’t like Mondays, this livens up the day. Bob Geldof was doing an interview at a radio station in Atlanta and read the story as it came out of the Telex machine and a month later they were performing this song. I don’t know if anyone busted out a “too soon” on them, but it is probably the catchiest song about a school shooting ever.
DEAD - Not stated in the song, but 2 adults,a WOUNDED - Again not stated in the song, but 8 students and one police officer

Bloodrock - D.O.A. -1971

This is sung from the point of view of a pilot who is dying after a plane crash. The main thing about this song is is everything about it sounds seriously fucking scary. It’s got a proto-stoner/doom metal vibe going on that really works for it.
DEAD - A pilot and his girlfriend

Bonus Ramones Song! - 7 11 - 1981-

This dead girlfriend number is off of Pleasant Screams, one of the Ramones albums you probably don’t own since it isn’t one of the first 4. It’s pretty great, it has a sweet mention of a Space Invaders scene and the whole thing is as sweet as a cherry slurpy until BAM! Joey’s love gets hit by a car right in front of him at the end of the song.
DEAD - Joey’s girlfriend, at least it wasn’t the KKK this time.

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