musicoin - the revolution I was waiting forsteemCreated with Sketch.

in musicoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

The new platform is combining the blockchain technology wisely with music content. The creators of music can get rewarded having their own blockchain wallet on this platform, when people are listening. The copyrights can be shared among 8 rightholders at the moment. Pretty amazing. I was waiting for this my entire life.

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how to earn ?????

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You still have to create music content, a track, a soundfile, at the moment the platform accepts just mp3 files. They say, that they will come up with other options, soon. Than for every time, somebody is listening to your track, you get $music paid in your wallet. If you do so here, I get paid by the community at the moment. Also you can buy musicoins on bittrex or cryptopia. Hodl (hold) them and wait til the prize is going to the moon :-)

Thanks for your information.

It is a very cool concept. I think it could be the future of streaming for independent artists

Me too. It is promising.