The zero scratch state. Sounds, words, images emerging from the vacuum.

in musicproject •  8 years ago  (edited)

Preparing the assemblage of broken and breaking instruments and electronic equipment for the first squeaks, moans, gargles, rattlings of 6.59Prime Excepted. Blang, ohm, welp, whap, whizz, bedazzle boon! Have been preparing my whole life for this moment! To start some experimental sound project of some sort. This is it! It's what I'm going to focus some gatherings and events around.

It's been a good life. Definitely have the inspiration in me. While revisiting places getting paper work from when my mom got hospitalised, I'm looking at the past together. Yes, growing up with a schizophrenic parent has gave me much muse for this project. My mom said she didn't know I went to court to get her hospitalised because she stopped eating. She told me these years later Thank you for doing that saying I saved her life. She has been emotional for a few days. I let her know I was just returning the favour for her saving my and my brothers life. We had a unique perspective that made us less susceptible to emotional and psychological manipulation from the outside culture. We were kinda sheltered and scared, but not scarred.

This project is interesting because I'm going for an industrial music type sound. These bands deal with a schizoid culture and talk about getting microchips under the skin, crazy doctors, addiction, abuse - the same frightening and disturbing world my mom lived in. It's funny to relate to the disturbing sound cause it kinda reminds me of home. It's about finding a place in the underground and gaining simple acknowledgement as a human being that we are not alone in this place. Even if we know we are alone..someone else is that alone a strange way it's a comforting feeling. Maybe we live in a zombie apocalypse ...yet someone is still here! Present! Alive. Feeling the rage! That could be you or me! In the industrial music realm we are there together! Scary kids!! Scary!! No, I unravel the knotted musical note, not scared. Not afraid of even fear itself!

6.59Prime Excepted Excepts you into their house! Domos Havok! My neighbor used to call my family the house of havok! Way back in the day. He used to watch allot of Star Trek. We must be some sort of Vulcan family! I have always had the idea to start a Klingon Heavy Metal band! I heard that The Bible has been translated into Klingon! Time for some Klingon Christian Heavy Metal! I could translate the gnostic gospels into Klingon. Plus spread the autobiographical lost gospels gnosis welling from my experience along the way!

I've hit that turning point in life. Almost as if going mad. 6.59 Prime Excepted is my revolutionary manifesto! All of cultures unfinished revolutions get passed onto the next generation. In other words the young. Now how many unfinished revolutions are there!? How many past events resulted in todays predicament. Even histories of the deep past effect today. My last and still ongoing other music project Massesect presents a concept of that type as well. Seems I'm knowing my ideas and self better as I write more out and create! I'm feeling a kundalini buzz lately in this inspired mode. That life glow, the way I'm supposed to be.

I've been stewing great. Made some 6.59Prime art. Getting some basic concepts together. And tomorrows another go! I'm going to use some of the poetic material I've wrote on steemit in the soundscapes. I'm betting on my performances being theatrical if and when their is a live show. The ideas are in order, keep on producing.

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