RE: Musing Posts

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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  7 years ago 

No reputable Scientific or geographical organization considers the Bermuda Triangle to exist.

The disappearances of ships and planes in that area is not less that any other part of the world, as said in a recent finding by a renowned scientist.

The Bermuda Triangle is close to America, where a lot of wealthy people travel via ships and planes , hence the traffic is considerably higher. Moreover bad weather and mistakes committed by pilots result in a lot of disasters.

It became popular during the phase between the first and the second world war where a lot of planes went missing. During those times most of the pilots were amateurs and were known to commit catastrophic mistakes like missing important pilot equipment before taking off. Bad weather and improper equipment resulted in a lot of planes crashing. Bodies and wreckage were not found because the triangle is a huge water body with a lot of depth.

The area is more or less a myth, with a lot of rumours. There is no convincing evidence that states that planes and ships were lost only because they entered the Bermuda triangle. So, as such, The Bermuda triangle does not exist on any scientific or government documents, however it does exist on many people's mind and heart as a fear. A fear that should not be played around with.

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