RE: Musing Posts

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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  7 years ago 

Human soul is restless cause the spirit is constantly looking out for happiness

What is the difference between poor and rich? There in no difference, when you take in consideration happiness. Neither poor, nor rich people are happy. Both are sad. There is no happiness on this earth. This gives evidence that this earth is not our home. We come from elsewhere. We come from far away, froma spiritual world.

Whenever a human falls in love with somebody, then his/her lover is seen as divine. As they come closer, things start getting messy. When they come very close, then it is revealed that we nothing but ordinary people. All the same mistakes, same limitations, the same nuisance! Love again fails.

The world has become materialistic, but once we attain the material we so desperately need, we move on to a different need like a better home, car etc. The wants become endless and hence the spirit is restless.

Politics changes the world, but a religious person always tries to search within himself, the real want that is missing within me. Our entire life story is in this missing want and that is the secret to happiness. Our real autobiography is right there. If we descend and reach deep within our soul to find this missing want, then we can find it and understand how beautiful it i, how love should be. That is when we will find happiness, happiness that we can be satisfied with.

However we are so brainwashed to attain materialistic happiness, we forget to make our spirit and soul happy and hence we are restless all the time.

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