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Try to learn at least 1 new thing every day - This doesn't have to be a big thing, just expand my knowledge a little every day

No matter what I do in life, the one rule I judge it by is:

Can I look at myself in the mirror the following morning>

If yes - then OK to proceed

If no - then its going to damn hard to shave now isn't it

The opinions of others don't matter so much to me as my own opinion of myself. I cannot lie (and get away with it) to myself and so I must face my true self every day

If I cannot do that and look in the mirror and not be ashamed, then I have failed.

   I live by these rules as much as I can

  • Respect others, never do onto others what you would not want others to do to you
  • Respect all life, even the tiniest life around you
  • Be grateful
  • Try to learn at least one thing per day. That will be much easier once you see that behind almost everything there is a lesson you can learn from it.
  • Meditate. Often.
  • Breathe. And be aware you are breathing
  • Love yourself 

Loving yourself is the basis for not needing other people (I don’t mean not wanting other people around you, I mean NEEDING). So when you love yourself, you don’t mind being without other people, because you have yourself.Accept yourself, your past and your current situation. Nothing can change the past, but the future is yours.How to start loving yourself? Try these steps:  

When things do not go well with pain, loss, loneliness, fear, anxiety, or other negative emotions like flooding you uncontrollably it has often been experienced in life.

You will stay alive despite the pain. Feelings are temporary and will pass.
You are still loved, precious, and valuable in God's eyes, unlike what you feel about yourself.
Great decisions in life until the pain is reduced.
Order helps to maintain sanity. Although you will feel bored, empty, keep doing your daily work and routine.
Meet your dear friends. Every burden in this world will feel lighter when taken with a friend.

Having rules or mantra in life is very important. Holding a certain principle will help you do the best in you and be motivated especially when hardship comes. 

I'm always stuck with Einstein's quote : "A person who has never make a mistake has never tried something new".

- Don't be afraid of failure. You just found a way that didn't work.

- Make the most of of the day.

- Make myself proud.

- Don't count sheep instead count the blessings.

- Bless yourself as you become a blessing to others.

Those are the rules I am holding in my life.

The top rules of my life is to live life freely,i should live life based on how i see it,i should not allow people to be who to determine my happiness,i always make sure to make myself happy and i also believe in self-love,i do not allow anyone to make me feel bad about myself or make me have low self esteem

Treat everyone how you would treat your mother .

You always meet someone twice so make sure the first meeting is friendly .

Treat everyone differently . Some people like to talk , let them talk , some like to listen . Some can take a bit of fun made out of them and some can’t . Learn about them and change accordingly and not never judge .

The biggest hairiest tattood biker camp be the softest person in the world while a nice little old lady can take your eyes and comeback for your eyebrows so never judge apearences