RE: Musing Posts 1

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Musing Posts 1

in musing-threads •  7 years ago 

How long can you survive if you do not eat?

as we know that, eating is to add energy so we get a strong setamina to run daily activities, then what if we do not eat how many days? Can we survive? not eating and drinking for a few hours, like we do in the month of fasting, of course we can still run the activity because at the time of magrib we will eat, but after a few days we do not eat? Can we run daily activities?

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Hey there!
I'm doing waterfasting twice a year. While waterfasting I'm only consuming water and tea (without sugar).
A normal weighted, healthy human can do that for about 4 weeks!

Please consider a doctor and read alot yourself before attempting something like that, though :)

(I personally only do it for about 3 weeks before breaking my fast with fruit :) )

As we knows that our body is consists of 99% of water. That's Why we need to drink a lot of water in every day life. If we don't drink water, we only can survive about three days. But, if do not eat anything, such as food, but we have water for drink, we only can survive about two weeks.

i can survive just with water for 2 weeks ;-)