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Because 95% of businesses are started by people who don't know how to run a business.

Most people who start companies are subject matter experts. They're people who are really good at what they do, and have a wealth of knowledge in their field. Often times, the company they work for couldn't function without them, and they see what the guy on top is making and think to themselves “Why does he make the big bucks when I'm the one doing all of the work?”

But the thing is, subject matter expertise is just one piece of the puzzle. You can be the best Chef in the world, but that doesn't mean you’ll be good at managing a restaurant’s cash flow or staff. You can be an awesome programmer, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to manage a team, scale beyond your own abilities, find clients, and close the sale. You can be a hell of a carpenter or general contractor, but that doesn't mean you'll be good at pitching to customers, consistently finding work, and balancing your books.

Ninety five percent of businesses fail because they're started by people who only understand the core of what the business does - not how a business runs. They don't know leadership. If you don't have experience managing people, managing cash flow, how to market, or how to manage everything else that falls outside of your work-knowledge, you will crash.

I think there are some things that cause business to fail: 1. business runs are not in accordance with the expertise owned, so he can not run a good business, 2 too focused on product development, so forget the marketing process. This will lead to product marketing constrained, and ultimately lost by other competitors, 3. do not want to innovate in product development and marketing. This will lead to less compete in marketing, 4. not able to manage financial management well.

Based on my experience that has pioneered the business with a husband who is a former manager and supervisor of a bank. Business can fail because :

A businessman is not persistent, persistence is a must in business, you do not immediately expect big profits if you laze around.

Not mastering the ins and outs of the business well, running a business can not try. you must equip yourself with sufficient knowledge about the business you are running.

Can not control employees, based on our experience, it is very difficult to find employees who are loyal and responsible for their work, therefore it takes good managerial knowledge to control employees to work in accordance with what you expect.

Lack of promotion, not smart to use media campaign can be cause your business closed.

Do not be an entrepreneur who only commands employees, but show that you also want to intervene, so you will be role models by employees. my husband's experience as a bank manager has alerted us to not hesitate to show a direct example of how to do work on the employees.

A business can close because there is no calculation of profit and loss. a financial record is indispensable to know with certainty the expenses and expenditures earned from the business.

A lack of professional resources can cause a company to go bankrupt. In addition, there are some things that cause the company to go bankrupt: first, the company is unable to read the needs of consumers to lose by other competitors, the two companies are less able to make new innovations, the three companies do less marketing products, the four excessive fears in taking policy, and fifth less observing other companies or competitors.

It's often said that more than half of new businesses fail during the first year. According to the Small Business Association (SBA), this isn't necessarily true. The SBA states that only 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during the first 10. The SBA goes on to state that only 25% make it to 15 years or more. However, not all of these businesses need to fail. With the right planning, funding and flexibility, businesses have a better chance of succeeding. We'll go through some of the biggest mistakes that start-ups can make and figure out how to improve your chances of success.