Yes, definitely I would love to be on the top of a tag's feed
I envy them ! ! !
I mean no one doesn't want to be on that place, it was like You Rock ! ! !
- It was like you are a very good writer
- It was like you bring up a very informative content or brought up a very interesting story to others
- it was like being the best author on that very moment
- it was like you catch the attention of a very powerful whale
- it also will bring you many followers
Well this is only my opinion Hahahahaha, Sorry if I was a shallow person thinking that a trending post's author was one of the best xD
but then, seeing this trending posts makes me feel sad. Knowing that most of them got to be on that position as because of those bidding bots was kinda make me disappointed
They all was ruining my thought being a good writer, being a very informative person, being an author who brought a very interesting story, BEING AN AUTHOR WHO ONCE BECAME THE BEST
Well that's life, you can get on top if you have money. But I swear someday I will be on that position without the help of any bidding bots