RE: Musing Posts

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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  5 years ago 
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Well, there's probably all kinds of advice, but I'll try to keep it to one, just for you.

First of all, congratulations. This is an exciting time, and I hope that you're able to enjoy the moment. Not necessarily the moment of birth. That you just need to try to stay calm for and help out as you can (which probably won't be a whole lot, but holding her hand and trying to make her as comfortable as possible is something she'll remember).

Rather, the excitement is becoming a father for the first time, and knowing that you will have the opportunity to watch your own flesh and blood learn, grow and become someone greater than self. It's a responsibility, but it's also a tremendous blessing, one that might be hard to see as the baby is crying, needing to be changed, etc., etc., but that you will see glimpses and much more of as the journey progresses.

I guess the No. 1 piece advice that I could give you is to find ways to set boundaries while leaving no doubt that you love your child. Not the easiest thing to do, especially in this day and age, but providing a framework and opportunities to make decisions only works if both mercy and consequences exist. It might not seem so important at the start, but getting into routines with your baby will help them and you at the earliest point that you can get them up and running.

However, there is a balance that needs to be established to where you're not taking everything so seriously that neither you nor them get a chance to enjoy yourselves and have fun. So, a sense of humor will go a long way in all of this, while holding firm to whatever rules you deem important to have. And obviously, you won't be the only one making those decisions, so having ongoing discussions about that, and making modifications as you go, will be very much appropriate.

I obviously can't guarantee that your child will not be willful, make mistakes, test your limits, or in the end, fall in with the wrong crowd, but you do have quite a bit of influence and say into that now, and in the future, if you do your best to be a loving father, they will remember that at some point and decide that in finding their own way, there's still some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.

Finding all that balance will be the interesting part of it all, and probably the most difficult. I would also say, you've got this, and that you're not alone. Even beyond your significant other, there are extended family members who have experience, and so don't be ashamed or reluctant to reach out to them in times of need, but don't be afraid to do things on your own, either, as experience is a great teacher.

Good luck. I hope all goes well with everyone involved and that through it all the net experience will be well worth it.