Prayer does not mean that you should leave the rituals and do the art sitting in the temple, keep playing the bell and in your place, God will go to the examination hall and take the exam or you will complete your other work. Prayer provides inner peace to the person, gives inner strength, enthusiasm, and hope to lead him to action. Prayer destroys frustration and negative feelings by making a person's thoughts and desires positive. By praying, humans never become fatalistic. If this were the case, people of all religions stopped praying or all religions rejected the importance of prayer. The place of karma can not pray, the place of prayer can not take action. If this were the case then the doctor would have done the work before the operation, that he had gone to the operation. The essence of prayer is that the person will have to do the karma, but the action done by him will never fail, he will get great results. The motivation and enthusiasm for that action will be found in prayer. Lord Krishna in the Gita has rendered the same significance of prayer - Karmayeva Rastide Maa Phaleshu Kadachan That is, believe in your karma, not in the desire for fruit. Because whatever you do, you will surely get the reward. So love in your karma, not in fruit. The intention to say here is that the person should have his time, his energy, his concentration and his earning strength and be industrious for the given action, do not frustrate his mind with the wish of the fruit. The action done by doing this is fruitful. Even in Manas, Goswami has said that while expressing the importance of karma, this gross manifestation is the same as the world. No one can be cleaned. Indian culture gives human beings a message of being oriented towards God, but they are not karmas or fortunate. Even this is the same state of astrology: 'Fate changes from karma
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