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What I understand form the question is you want to ask about the life partner.
One should for the following qualities in their life partner.
Trustworthy: no relation can be strong if partner do not have trust on each other.
Maturity: your partner should be mature enough to stand with you in difficulties.
Openness: partners should be open to each other.
Honesty: without honesty no relation could be last longer.
Respect: partner should have respect for each other.
Love and affection: Love and affection is the most important quality of partners.

The kind of partner I would love to have in my life is one who is trustworthy (I see this as a very important criteria), faithful, loving, caring, funny and matured and of course handsome(lol)

Kinda funny theme too this time, I already have a wife, for me my wife ya figure of my dream partner. Apart from all the shortcomings, that's where I exist to cover it, ciyaaa ... hahahaha.

But, maybe when I was single, I also have a life partner that I desire with some characters. Eh not ding, it's really racist if you have to discuss the characters according to our taste. it's not fair if we have to have a life partner as we want. If it is different from what we want, we should change him according to our wishes. selfish is not.

Instead of love it as it is, loving it does not have to like with all its advantages, but also must accept all the shortcomings.

Well here are the things that occurred to me when I dream about the dream couple

Talk about criteria partner indeed is endless. Looking for a life partner would not be separated from the name criteria desired. Here I am trying to have an adult point of view the question of the consideration of the partner who will be chosen later.

We have to as a logical thinker indeed many using logic, much less for life that will live well. The following are some key considerations for us to determine candidate partner later demise.

  1. Similarity of vision and mission is important because it concerns the survival of the future life of the bylaws later In the early stages of acquaintance, will usually ask for things pertaining to the future. The ideals, the dreams that have not been achieved, like to bekarir in what field, etc. For fellow nomads, very important know exactly whether to ' come home ' hometown and settled there, or allowed the family to join later.

For us, in the good of age is now no longer the time to mess around and desultory in strained relations. An adult will truly serious problem looking for a prospective partner. The vision and mission of life is the first thing into consideration because of concerns the life in the future. The same vision and mission will be very deyermineted decision to know further or not.

  1. Who can collaborate with us looking for characters that can be invited to collaborate is very important. Because of there sense of love and admiration will appear, not by the order otherwise.

Most people find their life partner at the world around it. It could happen because those who work well, for example on campus, Office, or organization. Good cooperation to foster a sense of love is often called love in the location.

  1. Who can make convenient and there's not much action of an adult will surely open up by giving more time to the couple, practicing to get used with and a lot to learn to know the couples because he realized life will be the same for forever. That's why we want the presence of someone who can bring a sense of comfort without much actual conflict is not important.

  2. Get married also means uniting the two families. Because that's looking for a partner who could unite with her partner's family her family another challenge from a relationship is uniting the two families. Not a few couples who fail married due to differences of custom, habits, principles, or values in the family. Some have a high standard of education, the question of how much more focus on personal qualities, and some emphasise the value of religious. Well, generally we will choose.

  3. A companion who could provide space for a passing hobby-hobbies one of fear after being married is not can have fun like the single altogether. fear of a hobby such as playing games, read comics, etc. because it is considered a waste of time by partner.

We really like that understand and give a bit of space and freedom for us to do hobbies-hobby. Moreover, at the time of early marriages that might be called a transitional period. By giving space to channel a hobby, will feel very comfortable because we will not feel our life be unfettered after marriage
