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Because Google wants you to use its services on Android, and it has contracts with the service provider. And another reason is they want us to use their apps as their developer are working so hard to give us the best service. According to contracts, the phone makers like Samsung and Nokia need to include a whole lot of Google-branded widgets and icons to be allowed to include Google's Play Store. Even though Android is a largely open source, Google apps are safer than any other third party apps. The requirements in the contracts show that Google is demanding these apps are should be included as they are providing all sorts of facilities and updating them regularly.
Google has around to a collection of 13 apps. They are YouTube, Google Maps, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Chrome and so on. These apps are very useful and also secure. They are providing these useful apps for free. As they are always updating their security service we should give some feedback to them by using their apps and other services.

The Android OS is created and developed by Google, so they have the first rights to put anything they want on their software before other companies such as Samsung, HTC, ATT, and so on add their own apps. Most companies don't attempt to remove Google's software because

A) Most of the apps made by Google are useful like the Google Search app or Google Chrome and

B) Most companies either use the open source code, where it would be a dick move to remove their apps since they are letting you use the OS for free or have a contract with Google for the OS, in which they are not allowed to remove Google's apps in their own version of Android.

The simple answer to this is that Android operating system is owned and created by Google, thus they only give their own preinstalledmsoftware, or Appss with it. Cantbreally add any more to that!

It comes as part of the contract to be able to use Android OS. However, I wouldn't want more added above that as one person's useful app is another person's trash that is hogging RAM.