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I'd have to say the Maricopa Harvester Ant. It has some of the most toxic venom out of all insects in the world, nearly 20 times that of a honeybee. So it's quite formidable even if you find only a few around you, as a sting can cause immense pain for up to four hours.

But if you encounter large numbers of them, you best get away as quickly as you can! Once one of them stings you, a pheromone is released to alert the others and they will subsequently sting you as well.

Seeing as you could die from only a couple of hundred stings, I'd say it is extremely terrifying in large numbers!

Insects, in general. Almost anyone can handle one ant, one cockroach, one beetle. However, once you get a swarm of them, it will be impossible to defend yourself. Even insects that would have normally been harmless can cause severe damage when they come in large groups. And imaging the intensity of an allergic reaction, when it is caused by a swarm of them. Whereas one bee could trigger a mild reaction, a swarm could cause intense shock, and even death. So, insects--any one of them--is fine in small numbers, but terrifying once they're a large swarm.


One cockroach from steps away makes one feel on guard and uncomfortable, just imagine if there are 20 or more of this creatures. Also they move very fast and can fly making them all more terrifying in large numbers. Just imagine being enclosed in a closed room with 20 or more of this. Yikes!